The Jewish Telegraphic Agency website (8 May) carries a just short of 5-minute film of the recent Aipac Conference called Aipac 2009: the Movie. It is worth viewing to see the self-presentation of a section of the American Jewish community, proud of its power and influence in the American political system.
Narrated by Ben Harris reporting from Washington for, it opens with the words: “With more than 6000 delegates and nearly half the members of the United States Congress in attendance, the 2009 AIPAC Policy conference is an enormous display of American Jewish power…”
After clips saying that Iran was on everyone’s mind, the question is posed: “How big a danger?” There is then an extraordinary further sequence of clips showing different contributors saying the following: “Irreparable harm”, “existential threat”, “the holocaust”, “the holocaust”, “the holocaust”, “the holocaust”, “Hitler’s work”, “it was Hitler”, “the gas chamber”, “holocaust”, “shivering naked victims”, “gassed”, “the six-and-a-half million souls”, “burnt alive”, “Auschwitz”, “Treblinka”, “Buchenwald”, “killing camps”, “the Nazis”, “Yad Vashem”, “Never again”, “Shindler’s list”, “genocide of Israel”..
All this within the first minute of a just short of 5-minute film…
See previous posting about the Aipac conference