AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) Conference

May 8, 2009
Richard Kuper

jvp_aipactruckFrom May 3-5, AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, held the country’s largest annual gathering of activists, students and political leaders dedicated to “supporting Israel.”

Medea Benjamin, cofounder of Global Exchange and CODEPINK: Women for Peace reports on her treatment at the convention in Who Will Stop the AIPAC Jews Before it is Too Late?. See extract below.

and Philip Weiss on his blog at Mondoweiss says AIPAC ED fears the growing movement to sanction Israel could fundamentally change US policy towards Israel. He’s right.

And J Street (the progressive Jewish lobby) welcomed Vice President Joe Biden’s contribution which went directly against the prevailing mood…

You couldn’t ask for a starker contrast in visions for America’s role in the Middle East than Newt Gingrich and Vice President Joe Biden provided at AIPAC over the past 72 hours.

Gingrich called for military action against Iran and a “wait and see” approach to the two-state solution — while Biden pressed for tough, principled diplomacy with Iran and argued that a two-state solution is in the essential interests of Israel and the United States.

Biden also spoke from the heart (as he tends to do!) about the politics of this issue during his speech, saying “you’re not going to like this” before challenging Israel on the issues of settlements and the two-state solution. He rightly didn’t let the Palestinians off the hook either – pressing them to end terror and incitement against Israel.

I don’t know about you – but I liked what Vice President Biden said. We need to show the Administration the depth of the political support in our community for their approach on Iran and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – and that we reject the worn-out Gingrich / Bush / Cheney approach to the Middle East.

Extract from Medea Benjamin:

“While I was being tackled by security guards at Washington’s Convention Center during the AIPAC conference for unfurling a banner that asked “What about Gaza?,” my heart was aching. I wasn’t bothered so much by the burly guards who were yanking my arms behind by back and dragging me-along with 5 other CODEPINK members-out of the hall. They were doing their job.

What made my heart ache was the hatred I felt from the AIPAC staff who tore up the banner and slammed their hands across my mouth as I tried to yell out: “What about Gaza? What about the children?”

“Shut the f— up. Shut the f— up.” one staffer yelled, red-faced and sweating as he ran beside me. “This is not the place to be saying that shit. Get the f— out of here.”

What makes my heart ache is thinking about the traumatized children I met on my recent trip to Gaza, and how their suffering is denied by the 6,000 AIPAC conventioneers who are living in a bubble-a bubble where Israel is the victim and all critics are anti-Semitic, terrorist lovers or, as in my case, self-hating Jews.”

Full report

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