Zionism: A Jewish Communal Response from the UK was published on Friday 24th December by The Board of Deputies of British Jews and is available for download.
Here is the description of it from the Board of Deputies’ website:
Zionism: a Jewish Communal Response from the UK, follows the publication almost exactly a year ago by Palestinian Christian leaders of a document entitled Kairos Palestine. The pamphlet, edited by Lucian J. Hudson, on behalf of The Board of British Deputies of British Jews, comprises essays from Rabbi Dr Tony Bayfield, the Head of the Movement for Reform Judaism, Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, the Senior Rabbi of the Assembly of Masorti Synagogues, Rabbi Danny Rich, the Chief Executive of Liberal Judaism and leading Orthodox thinker, Dan Rickman, as well as a foreword by the President of the Board of Deputies, Vivian Wineman.
The contributors argue that both Jews and Christians – including Palestinian Christians – need to acknowledge the depth of each others’ historic and religious connections with the land of Israel if progress is to be made towards peace.