Wish for a happy new year

September 23, 2014
Sarah Benton


Rosh Hashana Message

JfJfP executive committee

September 23, 2014

The High Holy Days are here once again. Whether or not you are a practising Jew, it is a time to reflect on those things that have been done over the past year. The world is in turmoil and, in particular, the Middle East is in chaos. Israel has only recently invaded Gaza, resulting in the loss of many lives and destruction of property.  Illegal settlements are continually being built on the West Bank.  Within Israel, there is an ethos of militarism and oppression. This moment in the Jewish calendar is a good time for all Jews to think deeply about how to bring pressure  on Israel so that its government participates in a meaningful process that will lead to a just peace and democracy in Israel/ Palestine.

The JfJfP executive wish all our members a good and successful year.  Shana Tova.

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