Who profits from the occupation? A Norwegian case study

May 13, 2009
Richard Kuper
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whoprofitsThe May 2009 Newsletter from whoprofits.org is devoted to a case study of the Norwegian Government’s Pension Fund

The economic interests in the Israeli occupation of Palestine are not exclusive to Israeli corporations. In a global economy, international corporations and investors are heavily involved in the manifold economy of the occupation. In our research we try to expose the economic connections of owners and investors in Israel and abroad to the daily workings of the occupation, to make hidden economic interests more accessible to public scrutiny and to appeals for public accountability. International investors, and among them public foundations, invest in corporations that are complicit in the Israeli occupation, knowingly or unknowingly. It is especially striking to note how explicit foreign policies contradict implicit financial support, such as in the case of the Norwegian Pension Fund…

Examining the investments’ portfolio of December 31st, 2008, we have discovered that it lists dozens of corporations whose activities continuously support and maintain the Israeli occupation. Almost two thirds of the 41 Israeli companies on the list, and an additional eleven international corporations, have significant economic interests in the continued Israeli occupation

Full report

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