UN general assembly vote could mark a turning point for international law in Palestine

A vote this week in the U.N. General Assembly provided decisive global pushback against the U.S. and Israeli war on international law.

Result of the General Assembly vote on a draft resolution on the ICJ advisory opinion on the legal consequences arising from Israel’s policies and practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 18 September 2024

Mitchell Plitnick writes in Mondoweiss on 20 September 2024:

The United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly passed a resolution on Wednesday demanding that Israel end its “unlawful presence” in the occupied West Bank and Gaza within a year. More than that, the resolution called for sanctioning Israel, forbidding any member state from doing business with, promoting the legitimacy of, or in any way helping to sustain Israel’s presence in the West Bank and Gaza.

As is always the case with General Assembly resolutions, the resolution is unenforceable and does not have the full weight of international law. But it still matters, which explains why Israel, despite the ongoing and full support of the United States, is concerned about it.

In light of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s repeated vows that there will be no end to Israel’s occupation and the Knesset having voted earlier this year to refuse to allow a Palestinian state to come about, this resolution is a global statement insisting that Israel comply with its legal obligations.

While there’s no way to compel compliance with the order to end the occupation, the resolution is one more log in the growing fire of anger toward Israel.

There is also no way to force member states to obey the call to stop normalizing, engaging with, and doing business with any entity that supports the ongoing occupation. But what distinguishes this resolution from the many others at the General Assembly over the years that have condemned Israel’s actions and policies is that it makes a clear call for a specific action. It doesn’t merely call on Israel to desist from its deadly behavior. It doesn’t only call on the international community to take non-specific means to press Israel to change its behavior. This time, the UNGA made a very specific call for member states to sanction Israel both as a penalty for its ongoing crimes and as a means to force them to end. A country that voted yes and then is reluctant to follow through will face real questions from its citizens.

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