UK military support for Israel’s genocide was pre-planned

April 28, 2024
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In aiding Israel’s mass attacks on Palestinians in Gaza, Britain is implementing an agreement openly signed with Netanyahu’s far-right coalition – which has been almost entirely ignored in the UK national media.

U.K. is training Israeli military in Britain

MARK CURTIS writes in Declassified 26 April 2024

“The bilateral relationship has never been stronger”, began a landmark “Roadmap” signed by Britain and Israel in March last year.

The accord committed the two states “to tackle shared threats” as part of a “close strategic partnership, with extensive defence and security cooperation”.

London and Tel Aviv also committed themselves “to take decisive and concerted actions against globally designated terrorists and terrorist entities”, a nod to Hamas and Hezbollah.

This was part of “a strong and evolving defence relationship” that “enshrines ongoing joint training and exercises that will continue to benefit both countries through strengthening military ties”.

Within just seven months, the Roadmap was being decidedly put into practice. Declassified has documented a range of UK military support for Israel during its invasion of Gaza.

Since the onslaught began, the Royal Air Force has flown dozens of spy missions over Gaza and at least six Israeli military personnel have received training in the UK.

Nine Israeli military planes have visited the UK, with the British government refusing to say what is on board. Declassified has also found that the US military has been supplying weapons to Israel using the UK’s base on Cyprus.

None of this has troubled the UK national media. But all of it is consistent with the pledges contained in the Roadmap.

This month, the RAF even flew to Israel’s defence by shooting down drones from Iran – which were launched in retaliation for Israel’s illegal attack on Iran’s consulate in Damascus, Syria.

In a separate section on Iran, the Roadmap states that “we work closely to counter the current threat from Iran” and that “we will seek to counter Iran’s destabilising regional activity”.

“We will work to ensure Iran never has nuclear weapon capabilities”, adds the accord between the two nuclear weapons powers.


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