Join one of our tours for an experience of a life-time!
In order to strengthen the voice of the international community, Experience Travel Tours (ETT) encourages people to visit the Occupied Territories and Israel to be eye-witnesses to the situation on the ground. No amount of reading, attending lectures or watching films can convey an accurate understanding of the “facts on the ground”, which are crucial to any program of advocacy. Our tours provide a unique opportunity to gain first-hand, in-depth knowledge of some of the latest analysis.
The tours are undertaken in conjunction with the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD)
We offer participants:
ETT tour programmes are a rich mosaic of the political, historical and cultural and several geographical areas are visited – the desert, the mountains, the plains and the coast along the Mediterranean Sea.
The itinerary for each study tour varies as we attempt to respond to the current situation on the ground.
Study tours for 2010 take place in May and November.
A specialist in-depth tour for clinicians is also scheduled for November 2010 and will allow participants to study health care in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
For further information or an application form please contact us by email or telephone Pam on 01235 764 754.
ETT was established in 1999 and has provided a unique experience for the hundreds of people worldwide who have joined the tours. Numerous recommendations are available on request from satisfied participants.
A sample of what people have said:
“I have no hesitation in recommending this tour. I have read extensively on the subject but nothing could prepare me for what I witnessed. The tour operators are professional and have a great deal of knowledge on the subject. Combined with the organizations and people that we met it provided me with a much greater understanding of the situation. It also provided me the knowledge and confidence to publicly speak on the issue and spread the message from the Occupied Palestinian Territories whenever the opportunity presents itself.”
Mark Evard, Ottawa, Canada – Nov 2009
“A brilliant tour, incredibly informative. I have been following the Israel/Palestine conflict for much of my adult life but we found out more by being in Palestine for 9 days, meeting people and seeing the situation on the ground than in years of reading.”
Prof David Turner, Canterbury – May 2009
“It is always possible to comment on political situations in distant places but to do so with conviction needs an opportunity to come face to face with the realities of everyday life, and to meet people on both sides of the conflict. This tour enabled me to do just that with regard to the health care situation in the Occupied Territories.”
Prof John Yudkin, London – Nov 2008 – clinicians’ study tour
“I really appreciate the time and thought that went into making this a trip of a lifetime. Whilst it was challenging and the things we saw and learned were difficult to digest I never felt unsupported either by you or my fellow travellers.”
Barbara Harbinson – Halifax – Nov 2007