This week's postings at

July 19, 2015
Sarah Benton


This week, July 13-19 2015, there is no contest about the dominant discussion: the Iran nuclear deal finalised in Vienna. There has been virtually no other news from Israel. (Palestinian media are less engaged though according to Netanyahu the deal is a gift to Hamas).

So if you are not interested in this we will first pinpoint other issues you can whizz to:

News that the ICC has ordered a review of the decision by its chief prosecutor that it had no role to play in the murder of nine Turkish activists in the open seas on the Mavi Marmara will be welcome for family, activists and anyone putting their trust in international law:
ICC orders review of decision not to act on Mavi Marmara

There has also been international support for the small village of Susya, constantly under threat of illegal, and now legal, demolition. Ironically, the years-long effort to save this village has highlighted the injustice of Israel’s planning laws (basically, if you’re Palestinian, forget it) which is not what the settlers intended. Unexpectedly, the US State department has also stepped in.
Defying the Israeli plan

US steps in to support Susya against demolition

While Israeli violence (F16s, Merkava tanks, the most sophisticated munitions of mass destruction) are accepted as legitimate ‘self-defence’, Palestinian boys are imprisoned for throwing stones and defined as ‘terrorists’.

Where angry young men are the only force. It’s not good, but it’s not surprising, that within the confines of a refugee camp young men respect armed resistance as their only form of self-respect.
Where angry young men are the only force

Fixing an image of Palestinian youth as ‘killers’ is useful for Israelis, not least when you shoot one of them in the back (thank heavens for CCTV):
IDF killer’s false claim of self-defence

Angry old men seem to be the leaders of evangelical Christianity in the USA and their anger leads them to embrace Israel as the twin-stern father of a Republican America.
Christians lead the largest pro-Israel lobby

This is more of a test for the international community, whose holding position the ‘2-state solution’ has been more than it is for Israelis or Palestinians:
Belief in 2-state solution falls to all-time low

An unusual article from the editor of Ma’an news urges Abbas to free himself from the technocrats and Fatah politicos and to connect to popular movements:
Let Abbas spring free from the jaws of Fatah and technocrats

A striking example of how it’s easier to establish a right to live in Israel/Palestine if you can claim to be Jewish – however tenuous the religious or ethnic connection and however far away your family has always lived, viz China,  – than if you are Palestinian and your family has lived in the country for many generations.
Bringing in the right sort of Jews

And on Iran:
First there was severe criticism of Netanyahu for refusing to co-operate in any way with the P5+1 negotiations on Iran’s nuclear capability. He is seen as preferring military might to any sort of diplomacy: the first of two multiple posts:
Israel’s contempt for diplomacy

Britain’s foreign secretary Philip Hammond upset Israel but was otherwise regarded as speaking the truth (what did boss David Cameron think?) when he said
no deal with Iran would satisfy Israel

A divided response to the deal from British Jews but, no surprise, the establishment bodies find it hard, like Ayatollah Khamenei, to give up the view of other as the Great Satan:
UK Jewish establishment sets alarm about Iran’s ‘worldwide terror’ network

And the second round-up of views on the Iran deal:
Good deal: last thing we need here is another war

And several more besides.

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