The Gaza Crisis

March 7, 2009
Richard Kuper

image: Gush Shalom

The Bombing of Gaza, December 2008 – January 2009

What you can do

JfJfP open letter (28 Dec 08)/ JfJfP Times ad (14 Jan 09)

NGO reactions

Selected articles, reports and analyses

Letters to the press

What you can do

Download the what you can do list prepared by Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights (and consult their website for general information).


* Join the protests

Details of protests up and down the country

* Sign a petition

* Write in protest to:

– Your MP, the Labour party, the Conservative party, the British Consulate in Jerusalem, the British Embassy in Tel Aviv, the Prime Minister – contact details below.

Emphasize the international law violations in any condemnations of the new war on Gaza.

– Circulate our Open Letter to Gordon Brown to MPs, local media, synagogues, members of the Board of Deputies etc

* Write in support of

– the Palestinian human rights community calls for international action. Send messages of support to

– the Israeli Coalition against the Siege of Gaza which organised a demonstration against the impending war in Tel Aviv and further protests since. Send messages of support to

* Support the Stop Arming Israel campaign. Download its briefing document here. See also the Campaign Agaisnt the Arms Trade webpage UK Arms and Israeli Aggression.

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1. AVAAZ Petition

2. Kettering Town FC Petition Gordon Brown to END THE HUMANITARIAN CRISIS IN PALESTINE

3. In support of the Palestinian human rights community call for international action

4. We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Introduce sanctions against Israel.

5. FFIPP-I Petition: Bombing of University in Gaza

6. Petition calling on the British government to implement an arms embargo against Israel

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International law violations

Emphasize the international law violations in any condemnations of the new war on Gaza.
The Israeli actions are clear war crimes — violations of international humanitarian law, involving
1) Collective punishment (a whole population is being punished for actions of a few militants).
2) Attacking civilians of a protected population (they’re in civilian areas, Gaza being one of the most crowded stretches of land in the world & certainly most densely populated in the middle east).
3) Disproportionate action (they’ve destroyed the entire security infrastructure of 1.5 million people).
And stress the impact of earlier Israeli actions that have led to medical & fuel shortages so ambulances can’t respond, nor hospitals receive or treat the injured (Egypt has apparently opened the Rafah crossing & emptied two hospitals to take the Gaza wounded).
See also the points made in the letter from the Palestinian human rights community and Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights.

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Contact details

1. You can find your MPs details on this site
Just enter your postcode. If you don’t live in the UK you can write to the MP at your last address.

2. You can send a message to the Labour Party using this online form

3. For the Conservative Party write to David Cameron
You could mention you are appalled that he has been on the BBC calling for restraint on all sides when nearly 200 Palestinians have been killed.

4. British Consulate Jerusalem tel: +972 (02) 541 4100

5. British Embassy Tel Aviv el: +972 2 3510 1167 / +972 3 527 1572

6. Prime Minister – Gordon Brown: Fax PM’s office on +442079250918

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Palestinian human rights community calls for international action

Urgent Release, 27 December 2008

Palestinian human rights organizations strongly condemn the recent military attacks carried out by the Israeli occupying forces in the Gaza Strip on 27 December 2008. The attacks began at approximately 11:30 am and lasted for approximately three hours. These attacks have destroyed most of the Gaza security offices including police stations, resulting in the deaths of over 200 Palestinians. More than 350 have been injured with over 120 critically.

The number of deaths resulting from these attacks indicates a willful targeting of the civilian police forces in these locations and a clear violation of the prohibition against willful killings. Willful killings are a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention under Article 147 and therefore, a War Crime. Both the time and location of these attacks also indicate a malicious intent to inflict as many casualties as possible with many of the police stations located in civilian population centres and the time of the attacks coinciding with the end of the school day resulting in the deaths of numerous children.

The ongoing siege of the Gaza Strip has left medical facilities in the Strip incapable of meeting the needs of the hundreds more who have been injured which will likely lead to an increase in the number of deaths. According to Israeli officials, these attacks are only the beginning of an open military campaign in Gaza. It is therefore imperative that the international community not stand in silence while Israel moves forward with impunity.

Despite repeated calls from the Palestinian human rights community with regard to Gaza, the international community has failed to act. We are now on the brink of an explosion of violence as result of this failure and are pushed once again to call for action. In light of the above, Palestinian human rights organisations urge:

• The UN Security Council to call an emergency session and adopt concrete measures, including the imposition of sanctions, in order to ensure Israel’s fulfilment of its obligations under international humanitarian law.

• The High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions to fulfil their obligation under common Article 1 to ensure respect for the provisions of the Conventions, taking appropriate measures to compel Israel to abide by its obligations under international humanitarian law, in particular placing pivotal importance on the respect and protection of civilians from the effects of the hostilities.

• The High Contracting Parties to fulfil their legal obligation under Article 146 of the Fourth Geneva Convention to prosecute those responsible for grave breaches of the Convention.

• EU institutions and member states to make effective use of the European Union Guidelines on promoting compliance with international humanitarian law (2005/C 327/04) to ensure Israel complies with international humanitarian law under paragraph 16 (b), (c) and (d) of these guidelines, including the adoption of immediate restrictive measures and sanctions, as well as cessation of all upgrade dialogue with Israel.

Addameer Prisoners’ Support & Human Rights Association
Ad-Dameer Association for Human Rights
Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights
Defence for Children International
Ensan Center for Democracy & Human Rights
Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR)
Jerusalem Legal Aid & Human Rights Center (JLAC)
Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR)
Palestinian Center for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession – Musawa
Ramallah Center for Human Rights Studies (RCHRS)
Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counseling (WCLAC)
Women’s Studies Center
The Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations’ Network – PNGO

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Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights letter to David Miliband, 27 December

I am writing to you to urge you to immediately call on Israel to cease all its attacks on Gaza.

I am horrified to learn that over 200 people have reportedly been killed in Gaza in the last few hours, many of them entirely innocent civilians, a significant number believed to be schoolchildren returning home from morning lessons.

I refer to the letter that I wrote to you four days ago (attached), in the wake of news reports that Israel was ‘softening up’ the international community for a full scale assault on Gaza. Those reports were followed, inter alia, by Tzip Livni’s trip to Cairo to meet with President Mubarek, presumably to seek his complicity in today’s terrible events.

As Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights and many other observers feared, Israeli rhetoric of avoiding civilian loss of life is not rooted in a proper application of the legal principles of proportionality and distinction.  Today’s events are not proportionate acts of self-defence.

I do not believe that Israel has made a lawful case for the wholesale targeting of Hamas. I believe from news reports that one target struck today was a graduation ceremony of police officers employed by the Hamas government – what evidence is there of any connection between rockets fired by militants, whether under the direction of Hamas or otherwise, and these trainee police officers?

But in any event, striking populated areas with the kind of force used by Israel today, even if some of the targets were in principle legitimate military targets, can never be in compliance with an ordinary understanding of the laws of war. Israel’s acts are therefore war crimes and crimes against humanity and everything possible will be done within the law to bring all those concerned to justice, including any third parties against whom there is evidence that they have aided and abetted these crimes.

Many more civilians will be killed if Israel does not cease its attacks immediately.

I urge you to immediately contact other foreign ministers to arrange an urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council to pass a resolution requiring an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and calling on the international community to collect evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The response of the international community in urging Israel to minimise civilian casualties is entirely unacceptable when many innocent civilians, including children, have been killed in the past few hours. Israel must be pushed to immediately cease all its attacks.

The international community must accept that it has a moral and arguably a legal imperative to bring an end to the violence unfolding in Gaza.

Yours sincerely

Daniel Machover
Chair, Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights

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The Israeli Coalition against the Siege of Gaza

It demands:
* Stop the siege on Gaza
* Negotiate with Hamas and renew the truce
* Stop the military offensive and propose a political solution to end the occupation
* Learn from the Second Lebanon War! A military assault will not stop the missiles! Only an agreement can bring calm!

We sent a message of support:
‘Jews For Justice for Palestinians from the United Kingdom stand with the Coalition against the Siege on Gaza in the Demonstration today. We are horrified when we hear the drums of war beating again, recognising as we do that war is the problem not the solution.
We know that Hamas promised on 23rd December that they would consider a renewal of the ceasefire if Israel would guarantee that border crossings will remain open for supplies of aid and fuel, and halt incursions. For those of us appalled at the collective punishment involved in the ongoing siege, that seems a truly reasonable response. For Israel to reject it bespeaks a bankrupt body politic especially since the army and the politicians are acting against the wishes of the Israeli public. It is after all the civilians on both sides who will bear the brunt of this dangerous folly.
We support your stand and wish you to know that there are many throughout the world hoping that even at this last minute sense and not bloodletting will prevail.’

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