Sites of Conflict: Psycho-Political Resistance in Israel-Palestine

October 10, 2009
Richard Kuper

gaza-burningThis conference, Sites of Conflict: Psycho-Political Resistance in Israel-Palestine, is preceded by a meeting on 14 October entitled Sacrifice and the unconscious in history with Uri Hadar, Stephen Frosh, Eyad El Saraj, and Lynne Segal
Details follow below those on the conference itself.

Full programme for the conference here.



Thursday 15th October

9.00 Registration & Tea/Coffee Room B04

9.30 Introduction and welcome Stephen Frosh

Survival and Non‐Violent Resistance in Gaza

Eyad el Sarraj, Sami Owaida, Mohamad Mukhaimar, Mohamed Altawil, Lynne Segal (Chair)

11.00 Tea/Coffee Room B04

11.30 Living with and Resisting The Occupation in the West Bank

Samah Jabr, Rateb Abo Rahmeh, Jihan Salem, Uri Hadar (Chair)

1.00 LUNCH

2.00 Psychoactive Work in Israel

Nissim Avissar, Tova Bucksbaum, Moshe Landsman, Gordon Lynch (Chair)

3.30 Tea/Coffee Room B04

3.45 Parallel Sessions

1. Solidarity from Afar Room B34

Yehudit Keshet (Machsom Watch); Tony Lerman; Keith Kahn‐Harris ; Andrew Samuels (Chair)

Discussion on how best we can offer support from the outside for psychoactive or other non‐violent resistance in I/P. Contributions from Jewish and Palestinian diaspora in their often troubled relations with this conflict.

2. Mental Attrition of Activists Room B02

Elana Lakh, Jihan Salem, Richard Kuper (Chair) will introduce and co‐ordinate a discussion on this important theme. Speakers from I/P and elsewhere to contribute.

5.00 End

Further debate & discussion will continue in the bar at the Tavistock Hotel, Tavistock

Square, WC1H 9EU.

Friday 16th October

9.00 Tea/Coffee Room B04

9.30 Possibilities & Limitations of Therapeutic Approaches to Conflict Resolution

Sheila Melzak, Andrew Samuels, Felicity de Zulueta, Maureen Hetherington/Seamas Heaney, Lisa Baraitser (Chair)

11.30 Coffee/Tea Room B04

11.45 The Politics of Apology and other forms of Acknowledgement; Denial in the Face of Atrocity

Jacqueline Rose, Stan Cohen, Bea Campbell, Jessica Benjamin, Stephen Frosh (Chair)

1.30 LUNCH

2.30 Parallel Sessions/ Film events/Conversations Rooms B34 & B36

3.30 International Support and Involvement in Psycho‐active Work/Acknowledgement

Ghada Karmi, Adah Kay, Uri Hadar, Eyad el Sarraj, Lynne Segal (Chair)

5.00 Closing Remarks ‐ End


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