The Haldane Society and Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights
In December 2010, a delegation of UK lawyers visited occupied East Jerusalem to report on violations of housing rights occurring under the Israeli authorities. Forced evictions and house demolitions result in housing instability and deteriorating living conditions for Palestinian families, whilst restrictive planning policies limit the possibilities to recover, leading to detrimental economic and psychological effects. This seminar discusses the findings of the report and how these violations can be addressed in the context of international law.
Hannah Rought-Brooks – Tooks Chambers.
Liz Davies – Garden Court Chambers
John Beckley – Garden Court Chambers
John Hobson – Doughty Street Chambers
Marina Sergides – Garden Court Chambers
Bill Bowring – Professor of International Law, Birkbeck College.
Monday, 28th March 2011, 6.30pm- 8pm
Seminar Room, Garden Court Chambers, 57- 60 Lincolns Inn Fields