Several high-profile figures will take questions on issues including terrorism, extremism, Islamophobia, civil liberties, surveillance and privacy at Queen’s School, in Aldenham Road.
The panel includes BBC foreign correspondent Humphrey Hawksley, Sunday Times columnist Minette Marrin, founder of Muslims4UK Inayat Bunglawala and Conservative candidate for Watford, Richard Harrington.
Deputy head of sixth form Kevin Rooney said: “I’m really looking forward to it, it’s going to be quite unpredictable.
“We are just going to let the students loose on the panel.
“As far as we are concerned it is an open invitation to anyone who wants to come along and put some questions to the guests.”
The debate is a prelude to a student conference entitled Terrorism, running the following day, involving approximately 300 pupils from other schools, including Bushey Meads.
They will be invited to consider what makes a terrorist, do we need a war on terror, is the war on terror failing and should protecting the public come before civil liberties.
Assistant headteacher Toby Sutherland said: “The event really is unique to the area and I doubt whether a school has undertaken a similar project before.
“This is not just a school event but a wider attempt at engaging with the community and allowing the local community unprecedented access to a range of high profile speakers.
“It will be a very ambitious and challenging debate.”
The Question Time style evening will be held on Tuesday, March 16, at 7.15pm.
For more information contact Queens’ School on 01923 478217 or