‘Protest till Netanyahu gone’. Day of countrywide rallies demanding hostage deal, immediate election

Protesters block major highway in central Israel; large evening demonstrations planned at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's residences in Caesarea and Jerusalem

Relatives of hostages and anti-government protesters block the Ayalon highway in Tel Aviv, 27 June 2024

Bar Peleg and Linda Dayan report in Haaretz on 27 June 2024

Anti-government protest organizations launched a day of demonstrations on Thursday by blocking a major highway in central Israel. Across the country, protests demanding a hostage deal and immediate elections are scheduled throughout the day. Activities will include blockades and demonstrations outside the residences of Likud lawmakers.

In Tel Aviv, dozens of activists and relatives of hostages blocked the main highway, igniting a cage on the road with the plea “Help.”  Earlier, hundreds of protesters against the government blocked intersections in central Tel Aviv and various points along Israel’s coastal road. Five protesters were initially arrested for road blockages and later released.

“The Prime Minister has abandoned the hostages, willing to let them remain in Gaza as long as he remains in power,” stated the protesting families this morning. “Only a comprehensive deal that brings back all the hostages and ends the conflict in Gaza can save the country,” they emphasized.

At the same time, activists will attempt to enforce a quasi-strike, urging people not to report to work. In the evening, protest groups will gather outside the Worker’s Union headquarters, demanding an economic shutdown. Additionally, demonstrations are planned outside homes of coalition members.

The Kaplan Force, leading the Jerusalem protest, declared, “We will protest until he falls. The failed and most provocative prime minister will not stop the citizens’ demand to return the mandate to the people… Demonstrations at Netanyahu’s home were pivotal in dismantling his previous government, and will be again.”

On Wednesday night, a few hundred protesters marched from Tel Aviv’s Habima Square to Begin Road, a main Tel Aviv street, demanding a deal to release the hostages and end the war. They are chanting “their time has run out, bring them all home” and “Stop the world, there are still hostages there [in Gaza].”

Einav Zangauker, mother of Matan, held hostage in Gaza, accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of abandoning her son. “Netanyahu is the obstacle in negotiations,” she said. “We want a deal that’ll include all the hostages, down to the last one. We won’t give up, and we won’t leave a single hostage behind.”

In addition to the families of hostages, protest groups like the women’s protest, Standing Together, and anti-government groups have called on members to join the demonstration.

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