Pink Floyd leader announces World Social Forum Free Palestine, Brazil

April 3, 2012
Sarah Benton

Roger Waters sprays’Tear Down the Wall’ on the separation wall in Bethlehem

We stand with you”: Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters announces Palestine solidarity forum in Brazil
Ali Abuminah, electronic intifada

Legendary UK musician, Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters, has reiterated his strong support for the Palestinian campaign for self-determination in a statement announcing a forthcoming conference in Brazil to support and expand the global movement for Palestinian rights.

Waters’ is a long-standing supporter of the Palestinian campaign to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel.

The World Social Forum Free Palestine will take place in November 2012 in Porto Alegre.

“The object will be to create an international gathering there,” said Waters, “that will encourage the basic human instinct in all men and women of good faith to unite in support of the Palestinian people in their struggle for self determination.”

Waters visited Palestine in 2006 and painted graffiti on Israel’s apartheid wall in the occupied West Bank.

The visit, and Waters’ support for BDS, came after Palestinians appealed to Waters to cancel a concert in Tel Aviv, an appeal the artist heeded.

Since that time, Waters observed in his statement, “All over the world, our movement is growing.”

Full statement by Roger Waters:

Rio de Janeiro Wednesday 28th March 2012

Since visiting Israel and the occupied territories in 2006, I have been part of an international movement to support the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom, justice and equality.

I am honored to have been asked by the Palestinian BDS National Committee, to announce an initiative, to hold the World Social Forum Free Palestine in Porto Alegre, Brazil in November of this year, in cooperation with the Brazilian social movement and international civil society networks.

The object will be to create an international gathering there, that will encourage the basic human instinct in all men and women of good faith to unite in support of the Palestinian people in their struggle for self determination.

All over the world, our movement is growing.

Encouraged by events like the one coming here to Brazil, our voice will grow.

We will continue our call for an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land, for the tearing down of The Walls of colonization and apartheid, for the creation of a Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem, for the granting of full and equal rights to the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel and for promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes as required by the Geneva convention, as stipulated in UN resolution 194, in 1949 and as restated by the International Court of Justice on the 9th of July 2004.

I find myself greatly encouraged by the growth of this movement in Israel, particularly among young Jewish Israelis, not least ‘Boycott From Within,’ With whom I am in contact.

We stand with you.

Events in Israel and the occupied territories are not widely or accurately reported in the west. The coming World Social Forum Free Palestine in Porto Alegre will help to break down The Walls of misinformation and complicity.

I urge people of conscience to support this forum and help make it a turning point in the international solidarity with the Palestinian people.

The truth will set us free

In Solidarity,

Roger Waters

Roger Waters (Pink Floyd): support the Palestinians’ nonviolent resistance

Doc Jazz

Roger Waters, frontman and bassist of the iconic rock band Pink Floyd, has become one of the most prominent and active supporters of the Palestinian cause among the celebrities of the world.

While some of the world’s iconic figures have been brave enough to cancel their concerts in Tel Aviv, and some have dared to be critical of the brutal Israeli repression of the Palestinians, Waters is proving to be both knowledgeable and passionate about the cause against zionist racism.

He takes things one step further and does the right thing by daring to step away from neutrality, and taking a firm stance based upon his strong affinity with justice and human rights.

In a letter, Waters has announced that he is joining the campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel. He says that Israel should end the occupation of the Palestinian territories, dismantle the Apartheid Wall, recognize the rights of Palestinian citizens of the state of Israel, and grant them full equality.

By also adding that Israel should allow all Palestinian refugees to return to their homes, Waters has proven to be a true supporter of justice.

Since his announcement comes only one week after American folk music legend Pete Seeger officially joined the BDS campaign, it seems that a new wave of consciousness is striking the artist community.

After Macy Gray’s recent half-hearted and opportunist stance with regard to opposing Israeli racism against Palestinians, the Waters’ and Seegers’ support for the BDS campaign comes as a breath of fresh air.

For 2011 video: Walled horizons – two videos

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