The new double issue of the Palestine-Israel Journal (Vol.15, No.4 & Vol. 16, No.1) focuses on the Palestinian refugee question. The issue deals with the history and the scope of the refugee question and suggests innovative approaches to resolving the problem. The journal’s editors believe that it will become a major resource for anyone dealing with the question in academia, as well as among circles of policymakers. The coordinators of this issue are Israela Oron and Adnan Abdelrazek and it features:
* Focus articles by Ziad AbuZayyad, PIJ co-editor; Orit Gal, independent expert on the political economy of conflict environments; Salman Abu Sitta, founder and president of Palestine Land Society, London; Nihad Boqa’i, Palestinian researcher and cartoonist; Eyal Benvenisti, law professor at Tel Aviv University; Adnan Abdelrazek, Palestinian scholar and researcher; Usama Halabi, law researcher in Jerusalem; Alon Ben-Meir, professor of international relations at New York University; Ingrid Jaradat Gassner, director of Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights in Bethlehem, Palestine; Alon Liel, chair of Global Code, LTD; Paul McCann, former spokesman for UNRWA; Benjamin Pogrund, director of Yakar’s Center for Social Concern in Jerusalem; and Ivy Shen, PIJ intern.
* A roundtable discussion with Adnan Abdelrazek, Palestinian scholar and researcher; Saeb Bamya, former under-secretary, Ministry of National Economy and Palestinian coordinator of the Aix Group; Israela Oron, brigadier general (ret.) and strategic consultant to the Geneva Initiative; and Arie Arnon, Israeli coordinator of the Aix Group and professor of economics at Ben-Gurion University; the moderator was Benjamin Pogrund, PIJ Editorial Board member.
* An interview with Saeb Erekat, head of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Negotiations Department and member of the Fateh Revolutionary Council and of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC).
* Viewpoint articles by Daniel Bar-Tal, Branco Weiss Professor of Research in Child Development and Education at the School of Education, Tel Aviv University; Yigal Elam, department head of Humanities at Sapir Academic College; Reza Najafbagy, professor of culture and change management at the Islamic Azad University, Iran; and Daniel Cohn-Bendit, co-president of the Greens/Free European Alliance Group in the European Parliament, and others.
* An article on the economics of the refugee question by Arie Arnon and Saeb Bamya.
* Major documents related to the refugee question, including the refugees’ land records.
PIJ intern Ivy Shen (American University) visited Lebanon and published her impressions of visiting the Palestinian refugee camps. The article is called, “The Sabra and Shatila Refugee Camps, Lebanon, 2009.”
The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway – Norwegian Representative Office to the Palestinian Authority funded the Refugees issue.