News from Zaytoun, August 2009

August 28, 2009
Richard Kuper


Ramadan Mubarak

Product Availability and Special Offer

Zaytoun Recruitment

Volunteers Needed


Olive Harvest in Palestine

Other news

Where to Purchase Zaytoun Products


Ramadan Mubarak

Wishing all our Muslim customers and supporters as well as those we work with in Palestine our best wishes during this holy month.

Palestinian Dates

The approach to Ramadan this year has seen a great increase in demand for the Palestinian medjoul dates. There has been effective campaigning from a spectrum of groups to encourage the breaking of the fast with ethically sourced dates rather than the product which is widespread in the UK market from the illegal Israeli settlements.

This link provides some background information from Friends of Al Aqsa

For more information regarding who and where Zaytoun sources their Palestinian dates.

Product Availability & Special Offer

We currently have a good stock of all products. If you buy direct from Zaytoun please contact us for wholesale order form and price list (please note this is no longer on website)

Ramadan Special Offer Zaytoun is working to make our next transfer of funds to our Palestinian suppliers before the Eid Holiday at the end of Ramadan, in order to maximise this transfer we are offering a 10% discount on all orders placed and paid for before 15th September (offer open to our bulk customers only)

Zaytoun Recruitment

Zaytoun is looking for a new member of staff, initially as a maternity cover but with the potential to become permanent. The post is for an ‘administrative lynch pin’ and will be full time and London based. For further details please contact

Volunteers needed

Zaytoun has an ongoing need for help running stalls and sampling products in local shops. If you are interested please get in touch via


28th – 31st August, Fair Trade on the Fringe, Edinburgh

The Grassmarket, 10am – 6pm. Hadeel stall selling Palestinian crafts and Zaytoun products.

Zaytoun Palestinian olive oil is also available at the Assembly Rooms in Edinburgh throughout August via Hadeel to link in with their daily showing of the play ‘Go To Gaza Drink The Sea’

28th—31st August, Cheltenham Racecourse, Greenbelt Festival

Greenbelt’s 2009 Sunday morning Communion Service theme is on the olive seed; designed to illuminate the thought that real change can take a long time, but it is worth it in the end. As part of this service a symbolic moment of anointing with Palestinian olive oil will involve inviting people in their groups to anoint each other as peacemakers. The olive oil is fair trade Palestinian olive oil from

The service will include Palestinian and Israeli voices such as Sami Awad of the Holy Land Trust, Prof. Jeff Halper of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions and singing from Reem Kelani. Rev’d Garth Hewitt from Amos Trust and others who have recently returned from the Holy Land will be speaking too.

Why not come visit us and other friends at the Rediscovering Palestine – G source section of the Greenbelt festival.


6th -8th September, Olympia London , Speciality and Fine Food Fair.

The premier artisan food & drink event in the UK Dedicated to delis, farm shops, independent retailers, restaurants, hotels, caterers & wholesalers. Zaytoun will be promoting the Palestinian products from the stand of Infinity Foods Co-operative Ltd, stand 1128.

12th & 13th September, Bristol Harbourside, The Soil Association Bristol Organic Food Festival

The Organic Food Festival is Europe’s largest showcase of all things organic.

Whether you are in search of delicious organic food and drink, gorgeous skin care, fabulous fashion, organic textiles, home design, tips on organic gardening or you are looking for an entertaining family-friendly outing, this much loved festival is just what you are looking for.

The Organic Food Festival provides the chance to meet producers face to face, watch recession-busting cooking demonstrations, sample street food from Bristol ’s top chefs and introduce your kids to special taste workshops designed just for them.

12th September, 12.30-5pm Fair Trade ‘Extravaganza 12th St. Andrew’s Church, Colworth Rd , Leytonstone, London

Music, food, stalls and more

20th September, The Urban Green Fair, Brockwell Park London
An independent green fair for London , powered by solar and wind energy.

Sunday 26th September 1-4pm, An Eid Fairtrade Feast, Huddersfield, W Yorkshire (venue to be confirmed) Young people from West Yorkshire, working in partnership with the Pakistani Youth Forum and the Lorna Young Foundation will be holding their own ‘End of Ramadan Fair trade Feast’.  The young people are working on an exciting initiative with the Lorna young Foundation where they are training outside of schools, colleges etc. to become ‘tomorrow’s ethical entrepreneurs’.  The young people are from mixed ethnic backgrounds and plan to use the Eid celebrations as an innovative way of bringing communities together to learn about ethical trading and to welcome each other into their respective communities.  The event will include the chance to try out fair trade products, to both eat and learn to cook traditional Eid food, to find out about exciting products like Zaytoun olive oil (which helps Palestinian farmers) and the Oromo Coffee Company coffee. Participants can have their hands painted with henna, learn how to whack some dhol, try out sports that they have never had the chance to have a go at before and eat famous locally produced ice-cream.  Contact both Christina Longden at and Mumtaz Ali at about the project and/ or the event.

27th September, Porchester Hall, London , A Night For Gaza

A Night For Gaza’ is an event taking place in London to raise awareness and funds for the continuing humanitarian crisis in Gaza . Join us for the London preview of Yvonne Ridley’s documentary ‘Three Uncles Go To Gaza’. The evening will also feature a 3 course Moroccan/Lebanese meal by Kenza restaurant and lounge, a selection of stalls, exclusive auction items and more. Doors and stalls open at 5:00pm, Event starts at 6:00pm

10th October, Chelmsford Quaker Meeting House, Rainsford Road (by Parkway), EXPERIENCES OF PALESTINE

Saturday 7pm Admission Free, Refreshments from 6:30

Anna Seifert on her experiences as an Ecumenical Accompanier in the West Bank , offering protection through nonviolent presence.

Atif Choudhury on the origins and work of Zaytoun, a cooperative and member of the WorldFair Trade Association set up to develop a UK market for Palestinian produce.

First Saturday of every month 10am – 4pm, outside St John’s Church on Bethnal Green, 200 Cambridge Heath Road , London E2 9PA , nearest tube Bethnal Green. Run by London Palestinian Rights Group

Christmas Events

Though still several months away this is a busy time for Zaytoun’s small team so we are keen to recruit volunteer s for the following events from now.

28th -29th  November HOPE FOR THE HOLY LAND : CELEBRATING PALESTINIAN CHRISTIANITY Holy Apostles Hall (nr Victoria Station, London )

4th – 6th December, The Christmas Eco Fair at the Royal Geographical Society London

4th – 6th December

The Taste of Christmas Show, Excel London

Zaytoun is always looking for volunteer s for stalls so if you would like to help at any of these please contact heather

Please let us know if you have any events coming up by emailing

Olive Harvest in Palestine

Zaytoun have had an overwhelming response this year to our picking trip and tour. The picking trip and the November tour are now full.

We have created a second tour in October to cater for additional demand; please contact us for details.

We are recommending the Joint Advocacy Initiative Olive Picking Programme to those who would like to participate in the olive picking this year as an alternative to the Zaytoun picking trip.

More information about our trips can be found here.

Other news


The International Women’s Peace Service-Palestine ( provides international accompaniment to Palestinian civilians and document human rights abuses in the Occupied West Bank. We are inviting applicants from women who would like to join our team of volunteer s. Successful applicants will serve at least one 3 month term in Palestine and support our on-going work outside. Deadline for application 30.09.09. Please contact for more info and an application form.

Where to Purchase Zaytoun Products

Zaytoun is delighted that we now have nationwide coverage for our range of Palestinian products.

The products can be obtained through a number of outlets:

Regional distributors remain the back bone of Zaytoun, both in terms of distributing products and also in terms of spreading the message of issues faced by Palestinian farmers. To find your nearest distributors please see:

Online and retail distribution for the products has grown really well this year and this link lists online and retail outlets for the products

Wholesale all Zaytoun’s products are now available through wholesalers so if you don’t see products in your local retailer please let them know they are available.

Please note these lists are regularly updated with new and changing outlets so please do check back and let us know if you would like to add details to this list by emailing us.

Thanks for your ongoing support.

Keyword: zaytounoil

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