Neve Gordon’s ‘Israel’s Occupation’

April 18, 2009
Richard Kuper

occupation-magazineOccupation Magazine is planning a more or less monthly reviews of theoretical/analytical books about the Occupation by Yehudit Keshet (a cofounder of Machsom Watch and a JfJfP signatory).

She launched the series on 15 April with a review of Neve Gordon’s  book Israel’s Occupation (Univ of California Press).

Covering the stages of occupation as they evolved the book brings the reader to the present phase from 2000 onwards, which Gordon identifies as a move away from a policy of colonization to a policy of separation. That is, from the management of the colonized population in order to maximise the exploitation of resources such as land and water, to a policy summed up by the statement ‘we are here, they are there.’ (p 119) an abdication of responsibility for the well-being of that population while exploitation of resources continues apace.”

Full review

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