A message from JStreet to all its supporters, 13 July
I just left an extraordinary meeting with President Barack Obama, which he called to meet with the leadership of the American Jewish community. A dozen organizations – including J Street – were at the table.
It was made clear to the President and his team the strong support that exists among American Jews and the broader public for a strong push to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, for a two-state solution, and for a regional and comprehensive approach to the peace process. The President said such a resolution was in Israel’s interests. In the interests of the Palestinian people. And clearly in the interests of the United States.
The President expressed his gratitude, as did many of his aides, afterward for our attendance. You should feel great. After little more than a year – and through your online advocacy and donations – J Street has arrived. We are your political voice when it comes to Israel and the Middle East – representing you in Washington and in the national political debate.
In recent days, much has been made in Jewish media of supposed concerns and reservations in the Jewish community about President Obama and his approach to the Middle East. And today I had the opportunity to take our message of support directly to the White House – that there’s a big difference between the views expressed by a vocal minority on behalf of the Jewish community – and what that community really thinks and supports.
We’ll be in touch,
Jeremy Ben-Ami
Executive Director
J Street