Letter from signatory Denis Glaser riposting this article from last week’s JC
Your front page headline “Antisemitism key to UK exclusion policy” and article seem to imply that the main cause of the current wave of public outrage ascribed to antisemitism in this country is ‘hate-preaching extremists… who express antisemitic views’. The public in the UK does not need the stimulus provided by Islamic extremists to form their own opinion about Israeli actions in Gaza now and in both previous intifadas.
The Jewish Chronicle and many other communal Jewish institutions conflate anti Israel with antisemitic views and actions, especially now. However, many Jews, mostly non-affiliated to a religious institution and many Israelis in the UK were appalled at the extent of the action in Gaza.
The accounts by soldiers of the war in Gaza do much to explain
the extent of the civilian casualties incurred and explicitly hold the Israeli Government responsible.Denis Glaser
Camden London