Israel is joining the first global AI convention, here’s why that’s dangerous

Over the last year Israel has weaponized AI in its genocide in Gaza, deploying AI-driven surveillance and automated targeting systems which has killed tens of thousands. Israel’s participation in the first global AI treaty raises serious questions.

An aerial view of damage around the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, April 2024

Mona Shtaya writes in Mondoweiss on 16 September 2024:

It is deeply troubling that Israel has been allowed to join the first global treaty on artificial intelligence (AI)—an agreement meant to regulate AI’s responsible use while upholding human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. For 11 consecutive months, Israel has weaponized AI in its genocide in Gaza, deploying AI-driven surveillance and automated targeting systems that have inflicted devastating civilian harm. Yet, Israel is now celebrating its participation in this treaty alongside the U.S., U.K., and EU, after spending two years at the negotiating table and helping draft the first international AI treaty for ethical AI governance. This contradiction exposes glaring hypocrisy and raises serious questions about the international community’s true commitment to accountability.

This treaty applies primarily to public sector AI but also addresses private sector risks. The signatories of the treaty agree to uphold principles like transparency, accountability, and non-discrimination, and commit to establishing remedies for AI-related human rights violations. The treaty mandates risk assessments, mitigation measures, and graded obligations based on specific contexts, ensuring flexibility in its application.

Since the beginning of this ongoing genocide, Israel has been weaponizing AI and advanced technologies to carry out the massive and indiscriminate killing of civilians. The Apartheid state has harnessed AI for surveillance, targeting, and decision-making. Israel has intensified its efforts to control and oppress the people in the Gaza Strip, continuing a long history of systematic oppression of the Palestinian people. This misuse of technology raises profound concerns, leading to devastating consequences for innocent lives caught in the crossfire.

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