Is Israel about to “raze and possess” the West Bank?

September 8, 2024
Netanyahu's Map Shows Israel 'From the River to the Sea.' It's No Accident

JVL Introduction

There’s nothing new about Israel erasing Palestine from the map, as this article from Ha’aretz explains. However things have now gone way beyond lines drawn on paper.

Not only are we seeing assaults on Palestinian West Bank communities mirroring the horrors going on in Gaza. The dye is cast for a massive spread of chaos and violence after decades of annexation, the transfer of military authority to ultra-right civilian minister Bezalel Smotrich, starving the Palestinian Authority of its budget, stealing water and allowing settlers to run riot.

Netanyahu’s government may be gearing up to “raze and possess the West Bank for good.” If that’s allowed to happen, it will go down in history as conclusive proof of the West’s perfidy towards the people of Palestine.

This article was originally published by Ha’aretz on Thu 5 Sep 2024 by Dahlia Scheindlin

Read the original here.

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