ICAHD News Update on House Demolitions

April 27, 2009
Richard Kuper

icahd_logoHouse demolitions in East Jerusalem continue to make the news and below you can find a small selection, bringing you up to date. We suggest a response, including writing to Tony Blair, who said that the Palestinians should have a capital in East Jerusalem. Our fear is that these are yet more words, but without action. Also find a link to Jennie Stoller’s reading of Seven Jewish Children on The Guardian website.

Mairead Maguire refers to ethnic cleansing while visiting East Jerusalem. Last week Mairead Maguire, Nobel peace laureate attended the press conference in the protest tent in Silwan’s Bustan neighbourhood where 88 Palestinian homes are under demolition orders. While speaking she said, “I believe the Israeli government is carrying out a policy of ethnic cleansing against Palestinians here in East Jerusalem.” Google the following to read more: City stands by Silwan archeological park project, Jerusalem Post, 21 April 2009 and Jerusalem, AFP, 22 April 2009.

The Independent Today’s edition carries an article entitled, Israel’s secret plan for West Bank expansion, by Ben Lynfield. It carries a quote by Hanan Ashrawi in which she responds to the news from Peace Now about Israel’s plans to build 6000 housing units between Maale Adumim and Kedar and on other lands to be annexed by Maale Adumim. Ashrawi said that “… the new plan, combined with Israeli plans to build at E1, plans to demolish 88 houses in the Silwan neighborhood of East Jerusalem on grounds they were built without permits, the planned eviction of Palestinian families in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood and other steps reflect “a mad rush to expand settlements to complete the isolation and siege of Jerusalem. Israel is destroying any chances of an agreement.”

To read the full article, click on http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israels-secret-plan-for-west-bank-expansion-1674759.html

The BBC– hear Katya Adler on BBC Radio 4 or read her report on the BBC website, entitled Demolitions Build Jerusalem Tension. Go to Radio 4’s Today programme to hear a repeat of the recording broadcast this morning, 27 April, click onto the link to Latest programme in full and skip to 06.45. To read the article, click on the link found on our website, www.icahduk.org. Adler also interviews Tony Blair who says that there must be a fair solution, that the Palestinians should have a capital in East Jerusalem and that the Palestinians should have a viable state.

ACTION: Write to Tony Blair, thank him for his words – we agree – but insist on action! The demolitions must stop. Settlement building must stop. International law must be respected. The Judaization of Jerusalem is happening at a rapid rate and the situation for all Palestinians has become much worse since he became the Middle East envoy. We are holding him to account! Quote Mairead Maguire, Hanan Ashrawi, Jeff Halper, Meir Margalit and others. Email: info@tonyblairoffice.org Address: Rt Hon Tony Blair, The Office of Tony Blair, P.O. Box 60519, London W2 7JU.

Write to your MP about the above, requesting a response and asking that your letter be passed to British Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, who earlier this month also said that he is “concerned” about house demolitions and the growth of settlements.

The situation in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza is URGENT. Words are not enough. Where is the action?

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