Hear for yourself what Norman Finkelstein has to say

November 4, 2011
Sarah Benton

Norman Finkelstein on “How to solve the Israel-Palestine conflict”

UK speaking Tour by Norman Finkelstein
Venue details and how to book tickets below
Press Release, Action Palestine

Professor Norman Finkelstein’s work straddles political theory, the Israel-Palestine conflict and American policy towards the Middle East. He has authored six acclaimed books including “Beyond Chutzpah: On the misuse of anti-Semitism and the abuse of history” and “The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the exploitation of Jewish suffering”.

He has been at the centre of a storm of controversy about academic freedom in the United States. In 2007 an award of tenure and promotion at the university of DePaul was overturned after enormous outside pressure from the Israel lobby.

The following year Finkelstein was invited to lecture at California State University, Northridge, which then, resisting a vitriolic campaign targeting the university as well as Fhttps://jfjfp.com/wp-admin/media-upload.php?post_id=26473&type=video&TB_iframe=1inkelstein himself, offered him a post. This was vetoed by the CSUN president despite testimonials from eminent scholars.

Khaled Abou El Fadl, Professor of Law at UCLA wrote:
“To describe Professor Finkelstein as a towering intellectual figure — masterful, brilliant, meticulously methodical, precise, eloquent, and exceedingly gracious and polite—does not begin to describe him as a writer and lecturer. . .”

Norman Finkelstein’s tour of five UK cities November 7-11 is supported by Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods and the Palestinian Return Centre (PRC).

In addition to the lectures advertised, Prof Finkelstein will be in discussion with Prof. Jonathan Rosenhead, chair of the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine (BRICUP), at University College London at 2 pm on Friday November 11.

They will consider the following proposition:
‘The Palestinians having being denied justice for 63 years, those who support their rights must endorse their call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), including academic and cultural boycott of Israel.’

Nov 7, Monday, Leeds: 7pm in the Rupert Beckett Lecture Theatre, Michael Sadler Building, Leeds University, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds LS2 9JT. Arrive early or please contact Irial to reserve a seat: irial@hotmail.co.uk, 07976 637686

Nov 8, Tuesday, Manchester: 6pm. VENUE CHANGED to Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, M2 5NS (moved from the University of Manchester – see letter below for the reason). To reserve a ticket, please call any of the following numbers with your name, number and email address. This will be added to a registration list for the event and on the day you will be asked to pay the £3 and will be given a ticket to go into the event.

Tanzil Chowdhury … / Matiin Nasir … / Arash Sajedi … / Aneeqa Khan …

Nov 9, Wednesday, Nottingham: 5.45pm in the Coates Auditorium, University Park, University of Nottingham.

Nov 10, Thursday, Nottingham: 1pm-3pm open Q&A
Tickets are £2.50 for each event and can be brought from either the Students Union box office in Portland or telephone 07411 430873

Nov 10, Birmingham: 6pm in the Vaughan–Jeffreys Lecture Theatre, School of Education, University of Birmingham B15 2TT
Book your ticket: http://www.guildtickets.co.uk/event/How-to-solve-the-IsraelPalestine-conflict-by-Norman-Finkelstein

Nov 11, London: 2pm at University College London – in discussion with Prof. Jonathan Rosenhead, chair of the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine (BRICUP)

Nov 11, London: 7pm in the Logan Hall, Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, WC1H 0AL. Book your ticket: http://www.eventsbot.com/events/eb253345787

Dear Friends,
We hope this message finds you well and you are looking forward to NORMAN FINKELSTEIN lecturing on ‘solving the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Today, Martin Conway (martin.conway@manchester.ac.uk) and Pat Sponder (pat.sponder@manchester.ac.uk) of the university management and the Union Director capitulated to pressure from JSOC to limit attendees of the event to students only, depriving the public of seeing one of the world’s foremost commentators on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Members of the JSOC shoddily argued that the talk would endanger the safety of Jewish students, all the while promising to attend with some members promising to picket the event.

The management issued an ultimatum to Action Palestine that either the talk would have to be limited to students (an unfair and logistical nightmare contacting all non-students who have reserved tickets) or cancel the meeting.

We have therefore decided to move the venue from the University altogether to the much more accessible and welcoming Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, M2 5NS on the same day 08 November, 18.00.

In light of these developments, we have had to limit seats to 300 (possibly 320) but it shall be open to all people. We are trying to provide a weblink and over flow room and will update you accordingly. Sincere apologies but unfortunately, we cannot control our ‘representative university’ from bowing down to a small extremist minority.

You shall be contacted regarding the status of your reservation shortly. In the meantime, we would be grateful if you could please write a short letter of complaint to Martin Conway and Pat Sponder.

The demands put on us before, in which we have been fully compliant, have transgressed into completely unreasonable and show the University of Manchester in a very negative and uncompromising light.

Action Palestine

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