Grotesque celebration of Israeli conquest

May 31, 2014
Sarah Benton

In addition to the photos by Allison Deger and others there are photos taken from a full range of pictures taken by Daniel Tepper and posted by Vice News. There is an inset on Meir Kahane in Allison Deger’s article. Notes and links at foot includes excerpts from an article in Mondoweiss about Dylan, BDS and Kahane.

Israeli teenage boys wear “Kahane was right” stickers over their school tee-shirts at the Jerusalem Day parade. Photo by Allison Deger

On Jerusalem Day, thousands of settlers celebrate ‘conquest’ of the city and say ‘Kahane was right’

By Allison Deger, Mondoweiss
May 30, 2014

On Wednesday, May 28, over 10,000 Israeli youth, hailing predominately from settlements in the West Bank, marched in the annual Jerusalem Day parade commemorating the Israel’s victory in the June 1967 war and its wartime spoils. Although to scores of these jubilant youth, Jerusalem is still in need of conquering.

Thousands of youngsters wore “Kahane was right” stickers, a reference to Rabbi Meir Kahane, and some donned t-shirts printed with his face. Kahane is a deceased controversial Rabbi who was leader of the “Kach” political movement, which was deemed a terrorist organization by the Israeli government for inciting a series of attacks against Palestinians during the 1970s and 1980s. He was also a figurehead of the “Jewish Underground,” a West Bank-based band of hooligans who organized clandestine assaults on Arabs and left-wing Israelis. Their heirs today are the hill-top youth, the renegade settlers, perhaps a few hundred at most, who have carried out a wave of “price tag” attacks over the past few years, including targeting Israeli soldiers in 2012.

Meir Kahane, a life steeped in racist violence
Meir Kahane, born Martin Kahane 1932 in Brooklyn, USA and assassinated in 1990 in Manhattan. He became an orthodox rabbi, set up the Jewish Defence League and emigrated to Israel in 1971. He preached the coming of a second holocaust and the need for the immigration of all Jews to Israel, qv Netanyahu. He set up the Kach party (banned as racist in 1988), argued for the forcible creation of Greater Israel (and expulsion of non-compliant Arabs) and the remaking of Israel as an Halachic state, with the Torah and halachic rules replacing democracy. He was arrested and charged many times for racist speech and incitement to racist violence. Kahane Chai (Kahane lives) is the group that broke away from Kach after Kahane was killed. After Baruch Goldstein murdered 29 Arabs in a mosque and Yigal Amir executed Yitzhak Rabin, Kach and Kahane Chai were  outlawed as terrorist organizations in Israel, the USA, and the EU.

“Because Kahane said if someone wants to kill you, than you can kill him,” said a youth wearing a Kahane sticker and caped in an Israeli flag who asked that I not to publish his name. He explained that Kahane’s brand of violent Jewish nationalism speaks to young people today because they see current leaders like Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as soft on those who have committed acts against the state. This new generation of Kahane followers rejects the formation of a Palestinian state, rejects any division of Jerusalem and decries the Shalit prisoner exchange. And, at least in theory for most, they embrace using force to accomplish the goal of living in an exclusively Jewish society.

Young Israelis bring a reel of “Kahane was right” stickers to their father during the Jerusalem Day march. Photo by Allison Deger.

“Because of the war, the Six Days War,” said a teen that was interrupted by a spirited friend, “Because of my grandpa, he kicked them [Palestinians] out.” A third youth flexed his muscle exclaiming, “So now Jerusalem is for the Jewish!” and the then whole group chanted “Jewish! Jewish! Jewish!”

“Because Jerusalem is the place of the third temple and all of the history started here,” said another teenage follower of Kahane who was selling shirts with an image of the Dome of the Rock with Hebrew script that called for its demolition. “This is the Dome of the Rock and we don’t want it here. So the shirt says, it should bother you that its over there,” he said pointing in the direction of the Muslim holy site.

A second design pictured the construction of the third temple in place of the al-Aqsa Mosque compound, including a construction crane.

Police guard the Israeli celebrants against Palestinian protesters. Photo by Daniel Tepper

Jerusalem is a borderland for Israeli and Palestinian, secular and religious. Reveling in the city’s capture, or “conquest” as most of the youth describe it, contradicts a central concept of international law, which says territory can’t be gained through war—even defensive war. What’s left is a homage to military might, which is exactly why thousands of Israeli youth paraders say Jerusalem Day is special for them. Given this adoration for a national success accomplished beyond accepted law, perhaps this explains why Rabbi Kahane has been adopted as the leader of this movement.

Young Israeli men on Jerusalem Day on May 28 2014, mass outside the old city demonstrating it is theirs by right of conquest. Photo by Lior Mizrahi/Getty Images.

“We fought for it and the whole concept of war is if you win something its yours and we fought in the Six Days War and we won Jerusalem so that’s why I believe it’s ours,” said another teen in an American Eagle shirt.

“I think it’s really exciting to be in Jerusalem for Yom Yerushalyim because we’ve been learning the past few weeks about what happened in 1967 and about how Jerusalem was so miraculously conquered,” said a South African teen on a high school year abroad in Israel. Sitting with a peer also from South Africa she continued, “it doesn’t mention Jerusalem in the Qu’ran once.” Her friend agreed, “Jerusalem is holy for all Jews—not just for religious Jews.” The fact their ability to holiday in Jerusalem’s comes at an expense for Palestinians, “this is a touchy subject. It is a point of anguish but I think at the end of the day Jerusalem is a special place for Jews.”

Others at the Jerusalem Day march eschewed Kahanism. “These people are fanatics,” said Hod an Israeli high school student who had an Arabic exam the next day. Hod was working as a guide for the march because of the bottom line, “I get paid.” To him Jerusalem Day is an expression of racism, “most of these people here hate Arabs, you know that?” Nearby two secular-appearing teens selling water by the Jaffa Gate said they enjoy the parade because praying at the Western Wall, located in the eastern portion of the city, has great importance to them. Neither believed an end to the conflict with Palestinians was possible, but neither had anything against Palestinians. Still, perhaps the most famous Jerusalem Day attendee was tourist and pop icon Justin Timberlake who is in the region for a Tel Aviv concert. On Jerusalem Day he went to the Western Wall. After his visit, JT posted a selfie on Instagram.

Israeli police remove member of the media  from the Jerusalem Day rally. Photo by Ammar Awad / Reuters

On a typical day this area is a vibrant economic center for Arab-Palestinian life, yet on Jerusalem Day police barricaded off main roads to the locals. Three hundred and fifty thousand Palestinian Jerusalemites are not Israeli citizens, but rather “temporary residents” of the city. They do not vote in national elections, only local, but do pay taxes. Even though after 1967 Israel took down the famed Mandelbaum Gate, which amongst religious Jews was tantamount to taking down the Berlin wall because it allowed them to pray at the Western Wall, Palestinians do have checkpoints in their Jerusalem neighborhoods. Qalandia, the main checkpoint to the West Bank is actually inside of Jerusalem, trapping thousands of Jerusalem ID holders behind the separation wall. In the neighborhood of Shuafat that boasts both an upscale corridor and a refugee camp, a newer checkpoint traps 20,000 Palestinian-Jerusalemites behind the wall.

Palestinian residents inside the Old City barricaded from leaving their homes. Photo by Allison Deger.

In the afternoon as the paraders arrived from West Jerusalem, eight Palestinians had already been arrested for disturbances and sound grenades were fired to push back residents. In the bay above the Damascus Gate, the last rally point before the Israeli youth entered the Old City for the final leg of the march, police ushered out Palestinian observers, leaving behind a swarm of journalists and tourists. “You’re only letting Jews in!” yelled a Palestinian-American woman in gym clothing who said she was trying to reach her house. Police escorted her away from the barricade, with her U.S. passport in hand.

Palestinians trapped by a new checkpoint set up for Jerusalem day to stop them moving through their city. Photo by Daniel Tepper.

Although Jerusalem only officially became part of Israel through annexation legislation in 1981, the city is memorialized as becoming Israeli through the 1967 military feat. In the first decades of statehood Israel did not have the global standing of a top army, nor was it considered part of the western world. When my mother visited in the 1970s, the country was still shedding its reputation as a backwater where young Zionists needed to bring a roll of toilet paper along for the trip. The war changed all that by nearly doubling Israeli controlled territory in just six days. The paraders called this a “miracle.” And to a certain extent, 1967–not 1948–was cast as the redemption of the Jewish people. They were liberated as the “new Jews,” just as the Western Wall was liberated, set against the anti-Semitic caricature of the past. To them, 1948 was the war of survival, 1967 was the war that made them Israelis.

Below: Students who had marched to the rallay from their yeshiva occupied Damascus Gate Square for hours by singing and dancig. Photo by Daniel Tepper.

Sham and shame of Jerusalem Day

Bob Dylan turns 70; still hasn’t Recanted Praise for Rabbi Meir Kahane, Loonwatch, May 25, 2011

No surprise Bob Dylan is visiting the ‘neighborhood bully’
Nima Shirazi. Mondoweiss, April 13, 2011

In 1971, Time Magazine reported that Dylan was “returning to is his Jewishness” and “getting into this ethnic Jewish thing.” A friend of his told the magazine, ”He’s reading all kinds of books on Judaism, books about the Jewish resistance like the Warsaw ghetto. He took a trip to Israel last year that no one was supposed to know about and even, it is rumored, gave a large donation to the Israeli government.” The article continues:
Dylan denied giving money to Israel or to the fanatical Jewish Defense League, but he confesses great admiration for that “Never again” action group and its reckless leader Rabbi Meir Kahane. “He’s a really sincere guy,” says Bob. “He’s really put it all together.”

Yes, you read that right. Bob Dylan said Meir Kahane, who favored the forced expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland and whose racist Kach party has since been banned from Israeli politics, is “a really sincere guy” who’s “really put it all together.”

In 1983, twenty years after he sang, “you don’t count the dead” and “you never ask questions, when God’s on your side,” Dylan penned a song in response to the international outrage over the devastating Israeli assault on Lebanon in 1982, which took the lives of nearly 18,000 Lebanese civilians and wounded about 30,000 others. …

Rather, Dylan’s song, entitled “Neighborhood Bully” … is a bitter and indignant defense of Israel’s actions, an exercise in Zionist mythology, eternal victimization, and bogus “right to self-defense“ hasbara, that sounds like it was written collectively by Alan Dershowitz, Abe Foxman, Benjamin Netanyahu, Anthony Weiner, and Golda Meir.

The hasbara escalates as the song continues. Dylan sings of exile (“The neighborhood bully been driven out of every land”) and bigotry (“He’s always on trial for just being born”), of lonely survival and attempts at delegitization (“He’s criticized and condemned for being alive”), of the Osirak bombing, of deserts blooming. The only way to believe how thick the Zionist talking points are laid on is to listen to the whole song, or read the complete lyrics (copied below).

By ignoring the call to boycott and by performing in Israel this summer, Dylan is solidifying his reputation as one who – when it counted most – didn’t stand for morality and humanity. Dylan once asked, “how many years can some people exist, before they’re allowed to be free?” It seems that Dylan’s own answer to the Palestinians would be, “A while longer and don’t ask me to help.” He has become his own rhetorical character: the man who turns his head, pretending he just doesn’t see.

Sadly, this time around, however, it seems Dylan does need a weatherman to know which way the wind’s blowing.

Kahane tribute may damage peace talks, war in context, November 2009

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