Goldstone Report – contact the UK ambassador at the UN before 4 November

October 31, 2009
Richard Kuper

un_logoAs many of you know, The UN’s General Assembly is on the brink of debating the Goldstone Report, which will take place on Wednesday, November 4th. Unfortunately, our political opponents are already organizing heavily to urge its rejection.

We need you to email the UK’s UN Ambassador – click here – and tell him to endorse this crucial report. Below is a sample of the sort of things you might like to say, for you to copy and/or amend freely. The point is to do this quickly and pass it on to as many people you can think of who might be sympathetic to the importance of this issue:

Subject: Urgent: please endorse the GOLDSTONE REPORT

As you know, the UN’s General Assembly will be debating the Goldstone Report on Wednesday, November 4th.

As a Jew, I am urging you to endorse this fair, even-handed and detailed report written by highly respected Jewish South African lawyer, Justice Richard Goldstone – which calls for both Hamas and Israel to abide by the international rules of law and conduct thorough, independent, and credible investigations into the circumstances leading up to and during the recent Israeli offensive on Gaza, or face the International Criminal Court.

This is a crucial mechanism for ensuring that all parties are held accountable for war crimes against civilians that took place during this time as detailed meticulously in the report.

I am not alone in fearing that failure to do so will guarantee continued conflict and upheaval in the middle east for years to come.


Also: sign the I support the Goldstone Report organised by Jewish Voice for Peace

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