EDL rally "in support of Israel" – counter demo, 24th October, 1pm (note change of time)

October 22, 2010
Richard Kuper

jewdasFrom: “Jewdas” <jewdas@gmail.com>
Date: 22 Oct 2010 02:05
Surf, kishke, shteyt oyf

See also last weeks condemnation of the rally and the EDL by leading members of the Jewish community in Britain in The English Defence League and the surfing rabbi

and see Unite against Fascism‘s call to support the counter demonstration

FIRST THE BACON BAGEL, now a Jewish neo-Nazi movement straight out of Mill Hill! Could the Messiah be any further away? Will he arrive on jet skis? Will an ‘ooo the fuck is alla?!!?!’ brigade help usher in the biblical era of peace?

Yes says a real-life surfer rabbi from California, who’ll be joining the Jewish division of Britain’s new fascist movement, the English Defence League, on a show of love outside the Israeli embassy this Sunday.

Since the far-right finally realised that voting for an enormous blabbering kishke was sooo 2009, the trend-setters went all retro, shaved their heads, dug out the ol’ jackboots and set up the the EDL. This isn’t just a new street look: these boys in red and white face-paint rock ‘Street A.R.M.Y.’. Only this time they’ve decided they like Jews… or, well, Israelis… no… make that the Israeli state. When it’s feeling all anxy in particular. And maybe some are ok with the existence of gays and women, if they’re into pasty skin. BUT definitely NOT MUSLIMS.

We call on Jews, non-Jews and especially anyone who knows what going “goofy foot” means to protest against the EDL and the Malibu Beach Surfer Rabbi – aka Rabbi Nachum Shifren, a rabbi whose declaration of “war to the death against multiculturalism” surely ranks amongst the more masochistic urges of recent Jewish thought.

The EDL are blatantly using certain minorities as sticks to beat others with. First it’s the Muslims they’re after, under the cover of fighting for women’s or gay rights, next us all. Their support for Israel is clearly based on its relationship with Muslims and Arabs, which, lets face it, is hardly jovial, and is not something which should sanely be mimicked in the UK.

Yidn, regardless of our different opinions on That Country Over There, (Birobidizhan, where else?) Friday nights in this country over here aren’t going to be too cushty for any of us shtetl-Jews if the British far right grow in strength and racial tensions increase. It’s really high time we start putting some darity on the end a Sollys falafel and stood up in solidarity (get it?) with the Muslim community.

Our fate in the diaspora is inextricably linked with other so called ‘Semites’. If we just leave it to our hapless ‘leadership’ to stand up against the shmendriks of society, well, we’ll all be kishkes sooner or later.

Join the counter-EDL demonstration outside the Israeli embassy this Sunday 24 October, 26 Kensington High Street, London, 1.00pm.

The English Defence League and the surfing rabbi

By Marcus Dysch, October 14, 2010
An American rabbi will join an extreme right-wing anti-Islamic-fundamentalist group in a protest outside the Israeli Embassy in London next week.

Rabbi Nachum Shifren, from California, said he was supporting the English Defence League because he opposed multiculturalism, and promised to act with “full force” against shariah law.

But his plans have been roundly criticised by Jewish community organisations. The Community Security Trust said that Jews who believed they could shape the EDL, or find shelter in the group, were “utterly deluded”.

Board of Deputies chief executive Jon Benjamin said: “Rabbi Shifren displays breathtaking naivety and ignorance in associating himself with the EDL and in the way he characterises the British Jewish community.

Mark Gardner, Community Security Trust communications director, said: “The EDL’s Jewish branch is a tiny part of a far larger movement, dominated by white males who would previously have made up National Front marches and English football hooligan gangs.

“EDL actions are violent and intimidatory, attacking police and random Asians. Any Jews thinking that they can shape such dangerous forces and find shelter there are utterly deluded.”

Los Angeles-based Rabbi Shifren said: “I am coming to the UK to express my solidarity with the patriots in England who are on the front line in the war on jihad and stealth jihad.

“Multiculturalists have brought us to the brink, insisting on degrading our own cultures while pandering to forces of darkness that threaten to completely transform our societal foundations.”

Rabbi Shifren said the “enemies” of Western democracies had sought to destroy religious foundations, loosen patriotic bonds and were responsible for a “wave of Middle Age darkness in the Muslim religion”.

“It is my goal to create a united front of American/British patriots that will act with full force against shariah law and any attempt to accommodate it either through legislation or by ‘compliant’ economic policies.”

An ex-lifeguard, known as “the surfing rabbi”, Rabbi Shifren previously worked as a fitness trainer for Israeli paratroopers and a driver for assassinated extremist Rabbi Meir Kahane. In March 1993 he was thrown out of a Conservative rabbis’ conference for heckling Jesse Jackson.

He is standing for election to the US Senate in next month’s mid-term elections.

Charedi leader Rabbi Avraham Pinter said Rabbi Shifren did not accurately represent the Jewish community: “I am concerned about the visit. He should mind his own business.

“It’s highly irresponsible to describe him as a ‘senior rabbi’ as the Observer did at the weekend. He will come and go and no one will take any notice.”

The EDL is also said to have developed links with anti-jihad groups in the American Tea Party movement. Rabbi Shifren is a regular speaker at Tea Party conventions and said he is “completely supportive” of the movement, which attacks big government and high taxes, and has a growing anti-Islamic wing.

Pamela Geller, the executive director of the Stop Islamisation of America organisation, is also thought to be working with the EDL following her campaign against plans to build an Islamic cultural centre near Ground Zero in New York.

Last Saturday more than a dozen people were arrested after around 1,000 EDL supporters clashed with police during a protest in Leicester.

Officers were pelted with smoke bombs, bricks, coins, bottles and cans.

Dozens of videos posted on YouTube this week show the extent of the violence, including an incident where a group of EDL members smash their way into a restaurant in an attempt to attack a woman.

The EDL is planning to hold its pro-Israel event outside the Israeli embassy in London on October 24. The plan was greeted with horror by the embassy. Its spokesman said: “We wish to disassociate ourselves from next Sunday’s event, and from any attempts to link Israel to the EDL.”

Brazilian-born Jewish activist Roberta Moore is head of the EDL Jewish division which was set up earlier this year.

She said: “We are going to the embassy to show support for Israel, to fight jihad in our streets. It just cannot go on. We do not have enough Jews standing up to protest.

“Rabbi Shifren contacted us and we invited him to come and speak.”

She claimed the Jewish division has around 100 members, most of whom are Jewish.

“We are causing ripples everywhere because we are achieving things the Jewish community has not. CST and the Board of Deputies speak out but their voices are not heard. People want to see action on their streets.

“Our members are not hooligans. We are educated people with jobs. If we defend ourselves is that hooliganism? The Jewish community sit in their houses and do nothing. They will enjoy the benefits of our action.”
Shteyt oyf, and all that.


Don’t let EDL divide our communities: London 24 October

Unite against Fascism, Monday 18 October 2010

UAF is calling a counter-protest against the English Defence League, an organisation of racist thugs with links to the BNP and other fascist groups, on Sunday 24 October in London.

The EDL particularly targets Muslims, although EDL supporters have also threatened and attacked other minority groups – including attacking a Hindu temple in Dudley.

Its supporters can regularly be seen giving the “sieg heil” salute of Hitler’s Nazis – see the pictures from Birmingham (top) and Leicester (below).

On 24 October, the EDL is staging a rally outside the Israeli embassy in London.

The EDL claims its rally is to “support Israel”. But we believe it is attempting to use the issue of Israel in an attempt to recruit Jewish people, some of whom may support Israel – and to create divisions between Jews and Muslims.

Jewish community organisations have already spoken out to condemn the EDL, and warned that the EDL’s event is a ruse to build its organisation of racist and fascist thugs.

UAF includes black, white and Asian people. We have Jewish and Muslim members – and people of many other religions and none. Our organisation aims to combat fascism and racism. We stand for unity against fascists and racists.

UAF does not have a position on the question of Israel and Palestine – our members have many different views on this question. Instead, we unite around our common aim of opposing the rise of fascism.

We are determined not to let the EDL create division among or between minority communities in this way.
Join the counter-demo against the EDL – don’t let them divide us!

Sunday 24 October, 10:30am sharp
26 Kensington High St
(nearest tube: High Street Kensington)
Stand up, UNITE!

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