Deadly results – how Palestinian resistance in West Bank shifted tactics

The Palestinian Resistance in the West Bank seems to have managed to find its balance and overcome the shock created by the Israeli military violence of earlier.

The aftermath of an Israeli raid on the Nur Shams refugee camp, located near the city of Tulkarem in the northern West Bank, on 21 April 2024. The Israeli army dug up the roads in the camp, damaging infrastructure and Palestinian property

The Palestine Chronicle writes on 2 July 2024:

What is taking place in the West Bank is not business as usual.

Almost immediately following the Israeli war on Gaza starting on October 7, the Israeli army escalated its raids and attacks on West Bank towns and refugee camps.

Jenin, Nablus, and Tulkarm received the lion’s share of the Israeli violence. According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, at least 554 Palestinians, including 133 children, were killed and nearly 5,300 injured since October 7.  Most of the killings took place during raids, sieges and, at times even airstrikes targeting Palestinian homes.

The Palestinian Resistance in the West Bank, however, seems to have managed to find its balance and overcome the shock created by the Israeli military violence of earlier.

Added to the sense of collective shock is that Israeli military attacks were almost always accompanied by settler attacks, and, in some cases outright pogroms.

One Soldier Killed

On Monday, the Tulkarm battalion of the Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of Islamic Jihad, broadcast scenes of the explosion of an Israeli armored vehicle in the Nur Shams camp in Tulkarm in the northern West Bank.

The ambush killed an occupation soldier, and wounded an officer.  The brigades’ video showed the evacuation of an injured soldier along with another dead person lying on the ground, as well as the attempts of the occupation to withdraw the rest of the targeted vehicle, the fortified Namer.

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