Children of Palestine – spread the news

December 7, 2014
Sarah Benton

Palestinian children newspaper

From JfJfP exec:

December 5th, 2014

We are delighted to announce the publication of our ‘Children of Palestine’ newspaper, produced jointly with Action for Palestinian Children, to coincide with UN Human Rights Day on December 10th., and with the Christmas period.

This newspaper aims to tell some of the many and varied stories of Palestinian children, taken from a wide range of sources including Adalah, B’Tselem, DCI-Palestine, Jahalin, Military Court Watch Oxfam, Palestinian Human Rights, Rabbis for Human Rights, Save the Children, Unicef, UNWRA, War on Want, YMCA and EAPPI. They are testimony to the multiple ways in which Palestinian children are prevented from enjoying a childhood free from fear or a life where their human rights should be protected and upheld.

We are seeking to raise awareness as widely as possible of the reality faced by children in the Occupied Territories. Accordingly, the newspaper is intended to be given away to anyone who may not already know about these violations of children’s rights. As such it is not really intended for the already ‘converted’.

If you would like to place an order to distribute copies at food markets, at events or other suitable places, or to friends and associates please contacts us as soon as possible by emailing They come in bundles of 300, or you may order any multiple of 100. Please give the address to which you would like the papers delivered. You do not need to be in at the time, if there is no reply they will be left on the doorstep.

They are free to JfJfP signatories.  For others, each bundle is priced at £25 to cover the costs of production.. Please make payment through the pay button on our website or make a one off payment through our GoCardless account by clicking on the following link (if the link is not live, you will need to copy and paste it into your browser):



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