Anti-Netanyahu rally attracts true critics – and cohort of antisemites

September 11, 2015
Sarah Benton

Protesters at the permissible edge of Downing Street, September 9th, 2015.

No place for racism in our movement

September 10, 2015

Statement from Hugh Lanning, PSC Chair:

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign is an anti-racist organisation campaigning for Palestinian rights. We are appalled at the acts of racism and antisemitism we witnessed at the protest against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the UK to meet David Cameron.

There is no place for racism in the Palestine solidarity movement. To those individuals who attempt to hijack PSC campaigns, meetings or demonstrations as a vehicle for their own antisemitism and hatred, we strongly condemn your actions and beliefs. Such views have no place in our movement.

 Hugh Lanning, Chair of PSC

The demonstration was to bring public attention to the war  crimes Israel has committed. The role of the British  Government should be to hold Israel to account under i  international law, not to trade arms with them.

To our Jewish supporters who are PSC members or  activists, and the wider Jewish community in the UK, we  stand united with you against antisemitism in whichever  form it takes.

The actions of these racists, who are neither PSC members  nor supporters, detracts from solidarity with Palestine and enables Israel to escape the global scrutiny it deserves. PSC has expelled members in the past who have violated our core anti-racist principles and will do so again if necessary.

Hamas, Hezbollah Flags, and a Large Dose of Anti-Semitism on Full Display at London Rally Against Netanyahu

By Sharona Schwartz, The Blaze
September 10, 2015

Demonstrators protesting against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to London on Wednesday waved Hamas and Hezbollah flags, accused Jews of being penny-pinchers and called for a new Holocaust of Jews.

Plus, below, where a pro-Israel advocate (labelled a peace activist) tries to challenge the beliefs (which includes Israel rules  the world) of people on the march

One man wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh scarf at the demonstration near the British prime minister’s residence waved a coin at a pro-Israel counter-rally, saying “here, have a penny” and “you only understand money.”

Another protester called for the genocide of 6 million  Israeli Jews. (Caution: strong language)

Asked by a pro-Israel demonstrator, “You want basically  genocide for the Israelis, yeah?” the woman wearing a  keffiyeh and holding a Palestine-themed umbrella said,  “Yeah, 6 million Jews there. … Wiped out.”

“I want them out of Israel,” she said and pointed out that  they could “go into the sea.”

When confronted that “you’ll have to kill them all,” she  responded, “Well, so be it.”

Police had to break up scattered scuffles at the protests  timed to Netanyahu’s two-day visit to the British capital.

[If PM Netanyahu is a horned demon, not a human right-wing politician , what hope is there for any form of  dialogue?]


Historic error of claims of great rise in antisemitism Brian Klug (on the figure of the Jew)


Depictions of the Jew eating babies are antisemitic – whether intentionally or not – because of the ancient Christian calumny that Jews stole and killed Christian babies to use their blood in exotic Jewish rituals – re-enacting the crucifixion, or mixing  their blood with  ground cereal to make Pesach matzos.

Operation Protective Edge definitely killed many Palestinian children. And  according to all investigations, actions in Gaza by OPE were definitely war crimes. But as all wars kill children, this placard from In Minds is on the edge.

Hezbollah (yellow flags) is militantly anti-Israel as an occupying power. Whether or not it is anti-Jewish as such is questionable. No doubt there are Lebanese supporters, as there are Iranians, who are antisemitic – that is, they see The Jew as a powerfully malign figure.

According to Shaul Shay ( 27 years in the IDF as a paratrooper officer and in the Military Intelligence., 2000 – 2007 head of the IDF Military History Department, 2007-2009  deputy head of the National Security Council  of Israel) Hezbollah leader Nasrullah said in a speech delivered in Beirut and aired on Al-Manar TV on 28 September 2001: “What do the Jews want? They want security and money. Throughout history the Jews have been Allah’s most cowardly and avaricious creatures. If you look all over the world, you will find no one more miserly or greedy than they are.”

But this is a one-source, unverified, translated quotation. 

Lebanese writer, Amal Saad-Ghorayeb  comes up with something similar quoting  Hasan Nasrallah as saying, “If we searched the entire world for a person more cowardly, despicable, weak and feeble in psyche, mind, ideology and religion, we would not find anyone like the Jew. Notice, I do not say the Israeli.”

Middle East specialist  Charles Glass questions the attribution of the quote to Nasrallah, noting that both the footnote in Saad-Ghorayeb’s book and her original dissertation instead attribute the quote to an interview she conducted with a Hezbollah member of the Lebanese Parliament, Muhammad Fneish. from Wikipedia

NOT antisemitic

Downing Street, September 9, 2015. Toby Melville, Reuters

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