This report contains:
An analysis of the escalating abuse of state power
A sample letter of protest
Israeli government officials to protest to
A list of Israeli Press Contacts for ‘Letters to the Editor’
Dear Friends and Supporters,
So many have stepped forward to back New Profile during this time. We would like to thank you warmly. This has been deeply meaningful for us. In a truly amazing show of support, you have sent over 5,000 letters to Israel’s Attorney General, protesting the criminalization of New Profile, via the Jewish Voice for Peace website. You have, moreover, taken many other actions, as suggested on our website.
We are writing to let you know that your voice is getting through, apparently penetrating the indifference of Israeli authorities. The Israeli Human Rights and Foreign Relations Dept. has sent many of you a formal answer, indicating that they cannot afford to ignore the massive mobilization of New Profile supporters worldwide, and exposing their need to save face
We are writing to ask you to keep up your meaningful work; please stay with us and write the government again (see proposed sample letter below) that you are not convinced by their façade of human rights and legalese. (You can once again do this either through Jewish Voice for Peace or independently, to one of the addresses listed below).
New Profile is not an isolated case. Eleven New Profile activists were detained or summoned by police for interrogation on trumped up suspicions of incitement and assisting in the obtainment of fraudulent exemptions from the military. For a full month they remained under restrictions and four activists’ computers were held by the police. A court case, and even prison sentences, may be in the offing (Check our website soon for ongoing updates).
All of this, however, is part and parcel of the sharply increased scapegoating, intimidation and harassment of Israeli citizens, and especially Palestinian citizens of Israel, who dare to voice opposing opinions. The Association of Civil Rights in Israel notes an escalation of harassment and violence against Left Wing activists by Israeli government authorities and the police since Israel’s military incursion into Gaza in December 2008, in an apparent, systematic attempt to silence dissent and stifle political discourse.
Here is a short list of some of the victims and incidents:
This is just part of the accumulating evidence of Israeli authorities’ systematic deployment of police and the military to stifle protest and paralyze civil activism, while terrorizing Palestinian civil society in particular. The repressive, undemocratic state revealed by such practices cannot be hidden by legalistic phrases or respectable-looking letter heads. It is very far from the democracy that Israel claims to be.
Thank you for helping us let Israeli authorities know that their abuses of state power are visible and shameful, while their formalistic claims are unconvincing.
Rela Mazali and Ruth Hiller,
New Profile
Here is a sample letter to use if you wish:
Dear Mr. Assaf Radzyner , Adv.,
Thank you for responding to my protest against the criminal investigation of New Profile. Despite the explanation offered in this response, it has come to my knowledge that the attempted criminalization of New Profile is merely one case in a process of sharply increased scapegoating, intimidation and harassment of Israeli citizens who dare to voice opposing opinions. I have recently learned of accumulating evidence of Israeli authorities’ systematic deployment of police and the military to stifle protest and paralyze civil activism. The repressive, undemocratic state revealed by such practices cannot be hidden by legalistic phrases or respectable-looking letter heads.
Some of the cases that have come to my knowledge include: the imprisonment of Samih Jabarin, police brutality against Anarchists Against the Wall and the Coalition of Women for Peace, the trial against Ezra Nawi and various measures of repression taken against university students, especially Palestinian Israeli citizens, by university authorities and by the police (in Haifa and elsewhere).
I would like to voice my strong protest against this escalating abuse of state power.
Yours sincerely,
Menachem Mazuz Attorney General Ministry of Justice Salah-a-Din 29 POB 49029 Jerusalem, 91490 Israel Fax: +972-2-6467001
Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister Prime Minister’s Office 3 Kaplan St. Hakirya, Jerusalem 91950, Israel at or Tel: ++972-3-6109898
Mr. Yitzhak Aharonovitz Minister of Public Security Ministry of Public Security P.O. Box 18182, Jerusalem 91181, Israel
Yaakov Neeman Ministry of Justice Salah-a-Din 29 P.O. Box 49029 Jerusalem, 91490 Israel
Police Commissioner Dudi Cohen Inspector General National Headquarters Israeli Police Jerusalem, 91906 Israel
Mr. Ehud Barak, Minister of Defense, Ministry of Defense, Hakirya, Tel-Aviv 64743, Israel E-mail: or Tel.: ++972-3-6975540 or ++972-3-6975423 Fax: ++972-3-6976711
For those of you who live outside Israel, it would be very effective to send protests to your local Israeli embassy. You can find the address of your local embassy on the web.
In the U.S., send emails to:
Please keep letters under 600 words and try to follow up with emails and phone calls, urging the responsible editor to print your letter. Send your English-language article or letter to the editor to:
International Herald Tribune’s Haaretz English (daily) branch:
Ha’aretz: (send letters to all of these addresses):;;;;;;;;
Jerusalem Post (English daily):;;;
Jerusalem Post in French:
Jerusalem Report (English bi-weekly):
Hebrew only:
Yediot Ahronot:
keywords: newprofilesupport, takeactionarchive