Palestinians from Nabi Saleh fight to free a little boy held by an Israeli soldier. The young girl biting the Israeli soldier’s arm is Ahed Tamimi, daughter of activists Bassem and Nariman Tahimi. Ahed has previously won an award for her courage in confronting the IDF. Reuters.
Israeli soldier with a big gun puts small boy with a broken arm in a tight headlock following a march against Palestinian land confiscation to expand the Jewish Hallamish settlement in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh. Photo by AFP /Getty
Soldier tightens headlock then arrests small boy. He is charged with throwing stones. Reuters
As he pins small boy to the rock Ahed (see above) grabs his gun, two women try to restrain him – one ripping his face mask – and a man tries to free the boy. AFP / Getty
Ahed bites the soldier’s hand. The women continue trying to free the boy. AFP /Getty
He pushes Ahed away. Reuters.
He knows when he’s defeated. AFP / Getty
Masked, armoured, Israeli soldiers ready their guns to fire at Palestinian stone throwers during clashes following a demonstration against the expropriation of Palestinian land by Israel in the village of Kafr Qaddum, near Nablus in the occupied West Bank.