The Iranian president’s latest piece of holocaust denial has been widely condemned. From the US to Germany to Moscow his bilious assertion that the Holocaust is a myth has been roundly condemned. Ahmedinijad used the occasion of Al Quds day to promulgate his claims. It’s an annual demonstration and rally in support of the Palestinians that Ayatollah Khomeini fixed for the last day of Ramadan. There were further clashes between pro and anti-goverment supporters. What this means for internal Iranian political stability is unclear, though it would suggest that the unrest and street fighting following the elections earlier this year is not going to disappear – and it is not JfJfP’s specific province to analyse. (For some first hand reporting & photos try From Tehran with Love.) But one thing is clear. Ahmedinijad once again exploited the plight of Palestinians in order to gain domestic political capital. He has a history of grandstanding and abusing the Palestinian cause as a tool for his own anti-semitic purposes. The Palestinians can only lose when Ahmedinijad repeatedly comes up with such racist claptrap. And it is the extreme right who gains (scroll down to para 10 and onwards).