Afif Safieh, PLO Roving Ambassador for Special Missions is speaking in London on Sunday at a meeting organised by the Jewish Socialists Group
Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL (map)
Sunday, 20th March 2011, 7.30 pm- 9.30 pm
All Welcome
Afif Safieh, born in Jerusalem in 1950, is one of Palestine’s most distinguished diplomats. He served as General Delegate of the PLO in London throughout the 1990s, and later held this role in Washington and Moscow.
He recently published a book of his collected writings from the early 1980s through to 2005. He will be talking about the themes and arguments in these writings and will assess the current situation and how positive change can be fought for.
Copies of his book will be available at the meeting.