Search Results for: jewish Boat to Gaza

Jewish Boat to Gaza
May 17, 2012

The Captain’s log Glyn Secker’s Testimony Press Releases Passengers aboard the boat Initial Press Release Jewish Boat to Gaza boarded by Israeli forces and taken toward Ashdod port Arrival in Ashdod and possible release Israeli nationals released and heading home International Members of the Crew Dr Edith Lutz Yonatan and Itamar Shapira’s testimony as they […]

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The Jewish Boat to Gaza – a personal view
December 23, 2010

In an article commissioned by the Jewish Socialists’ Group and just published in Jewish Socialist no 60, Diana Neslen describes why, in the wake of the Israeli military’s lethal attach on the Mavi Marmara, a group of Jewish activists took to the high seas on the 10-metre catamaran Irene. She writes of the activity of JfJfP and like-minded others: “We are symbolically acting for all the Jewish community in the hope that it will spur some to capture this moment and begin to turn towards humanity, towards justice and human rights, and against bigotry and human abuse. Only then will emancipation truly be accomplished.”

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What really happened when the Jewish boat to Gaza was boarded
September 30, 2010

A report from Glyn Secker, Captain of the “Irene”. And an interview with Yonatan and Itamar Shapira, two of the Israelis on-board. They above all were subjected to violence from the Israeli forces who intercepted the boat. These are their words an hour after they returned to their family in Israel…
Plus (added 4 October) reports by Lilian Rosengarten and Nurit Peled-Elhanan…

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Yonatan Shapira’s testimony from the Jewish Boat to Gaza

Yonatan Shapira kept a journal of the voyage as the boat approached Cyprus before its final leg to Gaza…

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Thoughts on the Jewish boat to Gaza
September 28, 2010

Eyad Sarraj writes to Lynne Segal: “I have helped and worked with and received other boats, but this is the most significant one for me, because it carries such an important message. It brings to us and tells the world that those we Palestinians thought we should hate as our enemies can instead arrive as our friends, our brothers and sisters, sharing a love for humanity and for our struggle for justice and peace…”

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Jewish Boat to Gaza boarded by Israeli forces
September 26, 2010

The Jewish Boat to Gaza has been boarded by Israeli forces…

You can follow the story on the dedicated Jewish Boat to Gaza website ( – there is a live link if you click on the heading above and go through to the full posting) – and on Twitter @jewishboat2gaza

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A Jewish Boat to Gaza
July 20, 2010

Co-ordinated by JfJfP, European, UK and US Jewish groups are uniting in another effort to demonstrate that Israel’s blockade of Gaza is ineffectual in preserving Israeli security and a blunt instrument of collective punishment on the people of Gaza. We need to raise more funds to buy, outfit and stock the ship – please consider making a donation, however small (or large).

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More on the Jewish boat to Gaza…
June 11, 2010

The front page story in this week’s Jewish Chronicle is entitled “Now: the Jewish flotilla”. IIllustrated with a large photo of a pro-Israeli boat, it beings: “Community representatives have reacted with outrage to the news that an all-Jewish flotilla of anti-Israel campaigners is planning to sail to Gaza next month, pledging to break the blockade…” Needless to say, JfJfP was misrepresented in the article and a brief letter of correction was not published…

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Jewish Boat to Gaza
June 10, 2010

The boat is the initiative of the German group, Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost in conjunction with Jews For Justice for Palestinians in the UK […]

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‘Not in our name’ – Jewish activist says Israel violates Jewish, humanity’s principles
May 23, 2024

Nurah Tape writes in The Palestine Chronicle on 20 May 2024: A representative of a British-based Jewish group critical of Israeli policy has said it is time for Jews to stand up and say “Israel does not speak in our name.” “What’s happening in Gaza is unconscionable, an indescribable horror. And for Jews to be […]

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