Police now arrived at occupation of Elbit factory Kent . 4 people on roof , 1 locked on gate
Welcome tent now here at Shenstone! No killer drones being made here today! Block the Factory
These photos just in from Elite KL site in Tamworth (Staffs) – THIRD occupied UK @ElbitSystemsLtd factory
LDNPalestineAction @LondonPalestine, @blockthefactory This factory is closed #Shenstone #StopArmingIsrael,
Here is a statement from Staffordshire Police on the situation.
Officers from Staffordshire Police are currently dealing with protests at two sites in the county. There are a number of protesters outside a factory unit in Shenstone, Lichfield and on an industrial estate in Tamworth.
Ch Insp Steve Smith from Staffordshire Police said “Our role in this incident is to facilitate peaceful protest and minimise the impact on others, ensuring the safety of protestors, emergency teams and the wider community.
In Tamworth those on the roof voluntarily came down and were directed by police to leave the area. Police remain in the area to provide reassurance to the local businesses and residents.
Lynn Lane in Shenstone remains closed to the general public. There is a diversion in place to allow business traffic to access nearby companies and so residents can access their homes. We’re working to keep disruption to the community to a minimum and would like to thank those affected for their patience and cooperation.
We have a number of specialist officers in attendance, including police protest liaison officers, who are working to resolve the incident safely.”
Further updates will be made as they become available.
The protesters, including the human blockade, have now got up and moved to the other end of the road. They are directly outside the UAV Engines factory.
There are around 70 of them and they’re chanting and singing “UAV shame on you.”
Here are some more tweets from the scene.
LDNPalestineAction, Police trying to remove protesters 06 Jul 2015, 07:45:30
Joe Catron @jncatron Couldn’t make it to @blockthefactory today? Tell your MP to StopArmingIsrael in seconds:
Jane Tyler 9.54
I’ve spoken to many protesters from London and Manchester but so far haven’t found anyone local.
The police are gradually moving the protesters further away from the factory entrance.
That’s because there’s a court injunction in place banning any action on the factory premises.
An agreed protest site – nearer the rail station – has been set aside for them
We have a detailed statement from the protesters. They say:
Protesters today (Monday 6 July) shut down four factories owned by Israel’s biggest arms company Elbit Systems to mark the one-year anniversary of the 2014 attack on Gaza.
Hundreds of Palestine solidarity campaigners from around the country are arriving at one of three UK protests.
At UAV Engines Ltd (UEL), a drone engine factory near Shenstone, Staffordshire, a number of activists have been locked-on since early this morning, blocking the road and entrance to the factory.
Production has also been halted at Elbit’s Elite KL factory in Tamworth, Staffordshire and at an Elbit factory called Instro Precision in Broadstairs, Kent, with activists on the roof of both factories. A similar occupation has been ongoing in Melbourne, Australia, since late last night.
The activists accuse the company of complicity in Israel’s alleged war crimes in Gaza.
The Shenstone and Broadstairs factories have been targeted by protesters before. At the height of Israel’s 51-day assault last year, nine protesters staged a sit-in on the roof of UEL for two days in August, costing the company over £100,000.
Charges against the 9 people arrested were dropped by the Crown Prosecution Service in January, just hours before a deadline to provide the defendants with details of arms export licences granted to UEL to send its hi-tech engines to Israel for use in the Hermes 450 – a drone widely deployed by the Israeli military.
Elly Hassan, from London Palestine Action, one of the groups co-ordinating today’s ‘Block the Factory’ actions, said:
UK government data shows that drone engines manufactured here are exported to Israel. These Israeli-owned factories are very much a part of Israel’s brutal regime of apartheid and settler-colonialism over the Palestinian people.
Israel was only able to massacre 2,200 Palestinians in Gaza last summer because factories like these are allowed to operate and because governments such as the UK government continue to allow arms exports to Israel.
People have come here from all over the country to show their solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for freedom, justice and equality and to demand that the UK government imposes a two-way military embargo on Israel.
Today in Shenstone we are transforming the space around the UEL arms factory, converting it from a site of destruction into a fun, creative and child-friendly environment. We’re creating a space that meets our needs and not the needs of Israeli and multinational corporations that export death for profit.
We urge people that share our opposition to Israel’scrimes against the Palestinian people to join the growing movement for a boycott of Israel.
Pupul Chatterjee @pupulchatterjee
‘No crime being committed here, unnecessary provocation by police’ – @blockthefactory #StopArmingIsrael. 9:53 AM – 6 Jul 2015
Pupul Chatterjee @pupulchatterjee
.@blockthefactory protestors now being pushed away by the police from the factory road #blockthefactory. 9:47 AM – 6 Jul 2015
SussexFriendsIsrael @SussexFriends Jul 6
Looks like @blockthefactory was very successful, if they wanted to be kettled in and sitting around like numpties!… pic.twitter.com/yOf46UNZjN
n fhirinne
@SussexFriends @blockthefactory Perhaps they should go off to protect innocents of #Syria and #Nigeria against #islamist threat? No chanceRosalyn PearlmanI am freedom.javed khanOla 1:45 AM – 6 Jul 2015
Jane Tyler 10.18
The injunction zone around the UAV factory bans the protesters from a wide area around the factory.
LDNPalestineAction @LondonPalestine, Police making arrests outside shenstone Elbit factory. Being aggressive and manhandling. But more of us arriving!! #StopArmingIsrael
10:05 AM – 6 Jul 2015
Over 10 #arrests at #elbit Israeli drone factory @RuptlyNewsroom @LondonPalestine @RTUKnews @OccupyDemocracy @RT_com
10:14 AM – 6 Jul 2015WACA @akaWACA
After 9 hours locked on – Melbourne crew is locking off & heading home. Tag @blockthefactory @LondonPalestine UR it! pic.twitter.com/otkDZMZjff
Jane Tyler, 10.26 More protesters have arrived…
These guys have put so much time & effort into this just to be pushed away by police, come on @rustyrockets get behind @blockthefactory
— Katie Ferneyhough (@katiefern9) July 6, 2015
Jane Tyler 10.30
Some more mixed comments from our Facebook page:
Scott Duffy: It’s nice to know my taxes are giving them benefits so they can have a lie down on pavements all day long.
Terry Browne: because that’s going to make a massive difference.
Ed Ruane: They’re not active though. Get the water cannons out and give them a shower.
Michael Hobson: The police should do their job and move them out of the road. They are a danger to themselves by lying in the road. As well as a harassment to the locals. And that is ignoring the silly reasons for their demonstration. Do these people demonstrate against Hamas when they fire rockets into Israel, knowing that Israeli forces will fire back. Into the civilian areas the rockets were deliberately fired from.
Brian Beddowes: Well done for both shutting down the factory and highlighting again who is responsible for supplying these murderous components.
Mohammed Zain: Good on them!
Victor Kibalchich: Well done to them
Jon Scammell @JonScammell
#police lines face off with @LondonPalestine protesters at #elbit #shenstone @RTUKnews @RuptlyNewsroom @RT_com
10:48 AM – 6 Jul 2015
Block the Factory @blockthefactory
Police being very aggressive, chants of ‘Elbit’s private army’
livfrndsofpalestine @Livfop
@blockthefactory solidarity and support from LFOP we are here supporting you #freepalestine #blockthefactory
10:38 AM – 6 Jul 2015
War on Want @WarOnWant
Demo at Shenstone has just doubled in size thanks to arrivals from London, Leeds & Manchester to @blockthefactory #StopArmingIsrael
10:41 AM – 6 Jul 2015