This week we introduce the Signatories Blog (first up Diana Neslen, Remembering real antisemitism, contrasting the imagined upsurge of antisemitism today in Britain with what was actually like in the past.)
We’re hoping to encourage contributions from signatories about any matter of concern or interest to them, within the parameters of Jews for Justice for Palestinians. As we are constrained to re-post articles previously published elsewhere, we think there are other thoughts, opinions, experiences which deserve to be posted. So send your contribution to
The furore about the Church of England vicar, the Rev. Stephen Sizer was, in the UK, the story of the week. The general view was that he was foolish / naive to have linked to a antisemitic site. But we think his concern for Palestinians is authentic. Documents on the issue at ‘Not antisemitic, just stupid’
and comment from Robert Cohen at The mote and the beam in which Robert Cohen draws attention to the hypocrisy of the ethical position of the Board of Deputies.
A grim, if predictable, report from the news agency Associated Press which examined cases of IDF killing of Palestinian civilians last summer. This is a remarkable step by a neutral news agency:
Research shows most Palestinians killed in Gaza were civilians
An attempted serious bullying of the EU by the US Congress is raised by a new bill which ties trade with EU to a demand that the the EU do everything to quash the BDS movement. The US bill says will trade with EU only if it acts against the BDS movement. This can be seen as a victory for BDS – but keep alert!
US bill says will trade with EU only if it acts against BDS
Sadly, another hopeless assessment of the PNA whose existence depends on being Israel’s policemen (although, not discussed, is the likelihood that the PNA does not not want rebellious Palestinians either).
Israel’s hapless bailiff
As for the ongoing dispute about Netanyahu’s address to the US Congress, which still fills the Israeli press, – we have confined ourselves to
Love versus existentialism, Obama lets it be known that Angela Merkel is a better friend to the US than Netanyahu; and a multipost on the distress in the US Netanyahu’s planned speech to the US Congress has created. Bibi is reorienting himself to the Republican right wing.
Bibi switches his American dependence to the wealthy far right
Bibi squanders Israel’s greatest asset
And much else besides