There is no single issue to this week’s postings though the claim that Israel is constantly in danger from its neighbours is belied – or confirmed – by Israeli attacks on the Bedouin – the enemy within – and on an Iranian general in a Syrian convoy. Much is attributed to PM Netanyahu’s drive to cut a good figure for the March election.
Mass protest at police killing of Bedouin
Foul racism endemic to ‘Jewish state’
Drone killing for electoral gain
Meanwhile, the PNA, having given up hope in US diplomacy, has applied directly to the ICC, and been met with an intensive Israeli lobbying effort in the US to disparage both the ICC and the Palestinian cause.
Israelis should learn the rules of the ICC
Lobbyists aim to crush diplomatic intifada
The term ‘apartheid’ to describe the power relations in Israel / Palestine is disputed by Irene Calis, al-shabaka. White South Africans needed chap black labour; Israelis want Palestinians to disappear; short of that, they make their life impossible with a bureaucratic regime of permits to be alive.
All Palestinians are criminals until they get the right permits
The 70th anniversary of the end of the holocaust / shoah / judeocide is producing much general coverage. Here,we post material from the Holocaust Memorial Trust (theme Memory)- and articles questioning why the former USSR – first liberators of the camps but ambivalent about Jews- have been left out of all the ceremonies.
Remember remember (but let’s forget the Soviet Union)
A BDS victory in Tower Hamlets, whose council has decided on an ‘ethical procurement policy’ is reported here.
London borough to exclude unethical companies
And much else beside.