Registration is now open for the following conference:
Anti-Jewish and Anti-Muslim Racisms and the Question of Palestine/Israel
Date: Monday 9th February 2015
Time: 09.00–18.30
Place: School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London, WC1H 0XG
To register use this link
Early bird registration (ends 30 Nov 2014) – £15
Concessionary (All students; Staff associated with sponsoring organisations) – £15
Full price – £20
This conference seeks to explore the multiple, complex and inter-related ways that anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim racisms are being constructed in relation to the question of Palestine/Israel. In particular it seeks to examine how the histories of Zionist settlement, anti-colonial and nation-building struggles and 20th century warfare in the Middle East region are being transformed in the current historical conjuncture. Of particular importance in this context will be ideological and political alliances that have emerged locally, regionally and globally around notions such as the ‘New Antisemitism’, and ‘Islamophobia’ and how these relate to racialised discourses against Jews and Muslims. Drawing on the expertise of scholars and activists from a variety of backgrounds, the aim of the conference will be to serve as a first step for building a transversal anti-racist political vision that will aim to destabilize some of the oppositional dichotomies which are currently hegemonic in discourses around Jews, Muslims and Middle East politics.
09.00-09.30 Coffee and registration
09.30-10.00 Welcome by organizers
10.00-11.15 Plenary panel 1: The Role of the Palestine/Israel Question in Racialised Discourses on Jews
Speakers: David Rosenberg (Jewish Socialist Group); Yasmin Rehman (Cross government working group on hate crimes); Prof. Robert Fine (Warwick); Prof. Gargi Bhattacharyya (UEL)
11.15-12.30 Parallel sessions
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.45 Plenary panel 2: The Role of the Palestine/Israel Question in Racialised Discourses on Muslims
Speakers: Prof. Haim Bresheeth (SOAS); Dr. Muhammad Idrees Ahmad (University of Stirling); Dr. Dina Matar (SOAS); Dr. Subir Sinha (SOAS)
14.45-16.00 Parallel discussion workshops
16.00-16.30 Tea break
16.30-17.30 Plenary panel 3: The Interrelationships between Anti-Jewish and Anti-Muslim Racialised Discourses
Speakers: Prof. Gilbert Achcar (SOAS); Prof. Yosefa Loshitzky (SOAS); Prof. Sami Zubaida (Birkbeck);
17.30-18.30 Final session: The Way Forward
A booklet containing full paper titles, abstracts and speaker’s bios will shortly be downloadable from here.
The conference is sponsored by University of East London’s Centre for research on Migration, Refugees and Belonging, SOAS’s Centre for Palestine Studies (London Middle East Institute), the Runnymede Trust and the LSE Centre for the Study of Human Rights.
Please direct any queries to Jamie Hakim, Centre for research on Migration, Refugees and Belonging