Board of Deputies promotes myth of rampant antisemitism

August 30, 2014
Sarah Benton

This posting contains the announcement, posted on the BoD website, about the demonstration against antisemitism on August 31, with some notes on the speakers and its briefing on its work against antisemitism and the Board of Deputies’ briefing on its work against antisemitism.

The rally is being organised by the Campaign Against Antisemitism UK. Their web presence is a recently created website and a Facebook page which says nothing about who set up the campaign, where it is based and who is organising the rally, apart from “We are a network of activists committed to countering the rising tide of antisemitism spreading throughout the UK and Europe.”

We are all greatly looking forward to Sunday’s big rally at 2pm outside the Royal Courts of Justice on the Strand.
We have some brilliant speakers lined up for you and didn’t want to keep it to ourselves any longer!
You will hear from:
The Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis
*Maajid Nawaz, co-chair and founder of the Quilliam Foundation
** Douglas Murray, famed author and journalist
And a show of unity on this issue from across the Jewish community and wider British society. It is time for the law to be enforced with #zerotolerance against#antisemitism. Join us and make your voice count! Bring friends.
Photo: ***SPEAKER ANNOUNCEMENT***</p><br /> <p>We are all greatly looking forward to Sunday's big rally at 2pm outside the Royal Courts of Justice on the Strand.<br /><br /> We have some brilliant speakers lined up for you and didn't want to keep it to ourselves any longer! You will hear from: The Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis; Maajid Nawaz, co-chair and founder of the Quilliam Foundation<br /><br /> Douglas Murray, famed author and journalist</p><br /> <p>And a show of unity on this issue from across the Jewish community and wider British society.<br /><br /> It is time for the law to be enforced with #zerotolerance against #antisemitism.</p><br /> <p>Join us and make your voice count! Bring friends.
* Maajid Nawaz, below with his new friend Tommy Robinson, formerly of the English Defence League.

For more on Nawaz and the Quilliam Foundation:
Tommy Robinson link with Quilliam Foundation raises questions


** Douglas Murray
Douglas Murray and staff from the Centre for Social Cohesion join the Henry Jackson Society, Conservative home

The Henry Jackson is a very right-wing group taking its name from the American senator dedicated to anti-communism

Murray is on the international advisory board of NGO Monitor, the Israeli NGO dedicated  to identifying left-wing NGOs in Israel and Palestine.
In his many writings on Islam he is careful to  make clear he is only attacking Islamic fundamentalism, “a creed of Islamic fascism – a malignant fundamentalism, woken from the dark ages to assault us here and now”; however, his main objection seems to be that a’metropolitan elite’ do not share his own hostility to Islam. Islamophilia: a very metropolitan malady, emBooks.

Lindsey German, Stop the War Coalition: “Douglas Murray – who must surely qualify as a non-Muslim headbanger – writing in The Spectator called our demonstration on 26 July an antisemitic protest, in a slander against the tens of thousands of people who took part.”

Friday 22 August 2014

Tackling anti-Semitism

With the significant increase in antisemitic incidents since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge, the Board of Deputies has been working closely with the CST and other organisations to ensure the community is protected, and to tackle offenders.  In the past week:

  • The Board has written to the Home Secretary to seek a meeting and updating her on the most recent incidents.
  • Chief Executive, Gillian Merron (pictured above), has liaised with officials in the Department of Communities and Local Government over the action necessary to promote community cohesion, following the Minister’s meeting with CST.
  • The Board has sought to liaise with the London Jewish Forum to ensure that the Mayor’s office (which has oversight of the work of the Met Police) is ensuring that incidents are handled properly.  The Board is also seeking to work with Assembly members to press this case.
  • We have continued to liaise, through the CST, with the police and prosecution service to ensure that all necessary action is taken to protect the community from anti-semitic attacks
  • We have spoken with many of the retailers being targeted by anti-Israel protesters, to ensure kosher products remain on sale and neither customers nor shopworkers face intimidation.
  • Meetings and conversations have also been held with interfaith colleagues to identify ways of working together to promote community cohesion.
  • Meanwhile, the Board’s honorary officers and senior staff have maintained their high presence in the media with interviews and comment in the Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph and elsewhere, as well as supporting pro-Israel pro-peace rallies and events in Brighton and Manchester.
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