COMET on BBC World Competition – consider voting for its projet

November 19, 2009
Richard Kuper

abu-nimer-system-installationStory originally posted on 28 September follows below – here is an update, 19 November 2009:

We were just informed that we did not make it to the three top finalists. Comet wishes to congratulate the winners and thank all who voted for us. Thanks a lot. On the other hand we have secured a grant that will us to continue the project in more communities in the South Mount Hebron area. So we are now hard at work in preparation for the next installations so although sad for not having won the BBC Worldchallenge, we are very optimistic about Comet’s future.We shall continue to update you about the work of COMET and you can follow us on our web site, Comet-Me on FaceBook and twitter.

Elad and Noam

Comet-ME (Community, Energy and Technology in the Middle-East) Needs YOUR Vote – Today! Comet-ME proudly announces it is one of 12 finalists in the BBC World Challenge 2009. This global competition focuses on grassroots projects and small businesses worldwide that are taking effective, innovative action in environmental and socio-economic issues. In November, the winning project receives an award of $20,000! Comet-ME would use this prize to expand our project and to provide sustainable energy to another community. The winning project will be determined by online voting between 28 September 2009 and 13 November 2009.

Comet-ME, a group of Israelis, Palestinians, and international volunteers, works closely with very poor communities in the occupied areas of Palestine. Under Israeli military occupation for 42 years, these people have no access (for political reasons) to the electricity grid. Our common goal is to help these people build sustainable energy systems using solar and wind power. Illumination, communication, and refrigeration increase their potential for generating revenue and reducing chronic poverty. We work with mutual interest and mutual respect, in the conviction that what we build together can begin to heal what has been destroyed. Each community owns its own project, and its local committee makes all relevant decisions; we provide materials and knowledge for building the energy systems. We foster proactivity in these weak communities: teaching and encouraging them to maintain their energy systems leads them toward economic empowerment. All of us believe that working together on such projects weakens the barriers of suspicion and hostility, ultimately facilitating the end of racism and segregation in the Middle East. Building energy systems in the occupied territories, we face daily danger to our work, both from Israeli settlers and from the Israeli army. It’s critical, therefore, that we become internationally recognized. International public opinion has significant impact in Israel. For this reason, we ask you to cast your vote for Comet-ME in the BBC World Challenge 2009. Please visit the website noted above during the voting period of 28 September through 13 November 2009, and vote for Comet-ME. And then, please visit our website to learn more about the work we are doing with communities in the South Hebron Hills of Palestine. We hope you will forward this e-mail to all your friends, encouraging them to join you in casting a vote for Comet-ME.

See also the Villages Group website.

keyword: cometme

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