To mark the international day of action called for by Palestinian residents who are being evicted from their homes – and being fined tens of thousands of dollars if they do not provide the state authorities with the keys to their houses – the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions – UK & Jews for Justice for Palestinians are inviting all concerned MPs and members of the public to sign a book of supportive messages to the Palestinians in danger of losing their homes, which will then be delivered to David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary.
The book will be available for signing between 1pm-3pm, today, Monday, 13 July 2009 in Room P, Portcullis House
‘The Occupation on Our Heads’, a photographic exhibition telling the story of Salim and Arabiya’s four house demolitions and its rebuilding by the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) will be on display from 1pm-3pm in Room P.
There will be a press conference at 1.30pm (also in Room P).
More Palestinians have been ordered to leave their homes in East Jerusalem this week and if they refuse, the fathers will be imprisoned and fines of $50,000 imposed. Thousands of Palestinian families have received demolitions orders and even homes owned by the Catholic Church in Jerusalem’s Old City are targeted. East Jerusalem is being ‘Judaized’ as Palestinians are being replaced by Israeli settlers – illegal under international law.
Israel must halt demolitions and house evictions in East Jerusalem immediately. But Palestinians have exhausted all legal and political avenues available to them. Their only hope is the international community.
For further information or to arrange signing the book at a different time:
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