To resist is to exist: Notes on the psychological impact of military occupation in Palestine

March 31, 2009
Richard Kuper
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therapy-todayAn article under this title, by Martin Kemp and Eliana Pinto, was published in Therapy Today earlier in March 2009. Following complaints, it was temporarily withdrawn from the website but after reflection it was reinstated with a disclaimer that : ‘The article does not represent the views of Therapy Today or BACP which has no position or policy with regard to Middle East politics.’

Here are two of the hostile reactions:
“Whilst your ‘disclaimer’ clearly states ‘The article does not represent the views of Therapy Today or BACP which has no position or policy with regard to Middle East politics’ , the very fact that you allowed it to appear on your website at all, one-sided and biased as it is, without also printing a similar article from the other perspective at the same time shows this disclaimer to be nonsense, as by allowing it to appear at all you have shown you do have such a policy, and it is biased and one-sided.”
“I doubt that I am alone in considering that your journal has been hijacked by a political interest group to the discredit of the BACP and the disadvantage of our profession.”

It is to the credit of Therapy Today that (after a momentary hesitation) it has stood out against attempts to censor the article. You can read it and the various responses on the Therapy Today website as well as a response by the authors was posted in the July issue (see here).

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