Sheikh Jarrah and the new Israeli left?

March 9, 2010

headerSJ10enIn our recent post on Israeli press coverage of the inspiring fight put up by Israelis and Palestinians working together against the evictions from the East Jerusalem district of Sheikh Jarrah, we directed you to  number of excellent sites where you could find more information. But – our bad – we didn’t include a link to the Just Jerusalem blog, run by the activists behind the campaign. And for activists outside Israel, it has a section on what to do to support the fight, including the point that the US and UK consulates are but a hop, skip and a jump from the Sheikh Jarrah compound. The UK has just announced that there will be a new consul general in Jerusalem in December. We need to make sure the consuls general, present and future, know how closely activists outside Jerusalem are monitoring the situation.

In the meantime, here’s a three minute video shot & screened at Saturday’s demo:

You can read a speech – There’s a New Left in Town – delivered by Sarah Beninga on behalf of all the activists (and written by them collectively) and get Magnes Zionist Jeremiah Haber’s take on it too.

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